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Mit Green Gaming haben Sie die Kontrolle. Ihre Sicherheit spielt eine große Rolle bei Mr Green. Setzen Sie sich zusätzliche Limits, um nie mehr Geld zu spielen, als Sie möchten. Ihre Limits, Ihre Spielregeln. Mr Green kümmert sich mit LUGAS um die Abläufe im Hintergrund und somit können Sie sich auf die wichtigen Sachen konzentrieren - Ihre persönliche Unterhaltung.

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Ein Bonus ist eine tolle Gelegenheit für neue Spieler, sich mit den verschiedenen Spielautomaten vertraut zu machen. Deswegen gibt es einen Willkommensbonus.

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Bei einem Bonus handelt es sich einfach um eine Belohnung. Mit diesem Bonus ist es möglich, auf Kosten des Hauses und ohne Risiko zu spielen.

Boni haben Umsatzbedingungen, die vorschreiben, wie oft ein Bonusbetrag bei bestimmten Spielen umgesetzt werden muss 30x ist hierbei der Standard , bevor erzielte Gewinne ausgezahlt werden können.

Es ist sehr wichtig, sich die Bonusbedingungen gut durchzulesen und die Umsatzbedingungen zu verstehen, um später keine Überraschungen und Enttäuschungen zu erleben.

Einige Bonusangebote bei Mr Green sind auch völlig ohne Bonusumsatzbedingungen. Nein, die "Nur zum Spaß spielen" Funktion steht ohne Registrierung nach den neuen Bestimmungen für Deutschland leider nicht mehr zur Verfügung.

Das ist ganz einfach. Bei Ihrer ersten Einzahlung geben Sie den gewünschten Bonuscode an. Mr Green bietet mehrere Willkommenboni an, aus denen Sie frei wählen können. In jedem Slot sehen Sie die detaillierten Informationen zu den Gewinnchancen, wie Höchstgewinn und Auszahlungsquoten.

In den Hilfeseiten der Slots sehen Sie auch die jeweilige Auszahlungstabelle. Bei Fragen zu den einzelnen Slots wenden Sie sich gerne an unseren Kundenservice. Ja, die Bereitstellung und der Betrieb des virtuellen Automatenspielangebots erfolgen im Einklang mit den anwendbaren Vorgaben des GlüStV.

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Mr Green und sein Team tun ihr Möglichstes, das Problem schnell zu lösen, und werden Sie per E-Mail an benachrichtigen, sobald der Fehler behoben ist. Weitere Informationen finden Sie auf unserer FAQ-Seite.

Bitte kontaktieren Sie uns , damit wir Ihnen helfen können, den Fehler zu beheben. Registrieren EINLOGGEN. Millionaire Genie Megaways. Gates of Olympus. Rise of Merlin. Eye of Horus. Bigger Bass Bonanza. Gonzos Quest Megaways. Legacy of Dead. Katmandu Gold. Apollo God Of The Sun 10 Win Ways.

Fire Joker. Denkt daran, diese Punkte zu beachten, wenn ihr das nächste Mal in einem Online-Casino spielt. Wenn ihr in einem Online-Casino ohne Einzahlung spielt und das Glück habt, einen Gewinn zu erzielen, ist es verständlich, dass ihr sicherstellen wollt, dass ihr euren Gewinn auch ausgezahlt bekommt.

Wer garantiert das? Die Antwort hängt von der Art des Casinos ab, in dem ihr spielt. Regulierte und lizenzierte Online-Casinos sind rechtlich verpflichtet, eure Gewinne auszuzahlen.

Die Lizenzierungsbehörden, die diese Casinos regulieren, stellen sicher, dass die Casinos faire Spiele anbieten und die Auszahlungen korrekt durchführen.

Eine weitere wichtige Garantie im Online-Casino ohne Einzahlung ist das Vorhandensein von sicheren und zuverlässigen Zahlungsmethoden. Seriöse Casinos bieten eine Vielzahl von Zahlungsoptionen an, die den Spielern einen sicheren und bequemen Zugang zu ihren Gewinnen ermöglichen.

Essenziell ist, sich über einige der gängigen Praktiken von Online-Casinos bewusst zu sein, die euch dazu bringen können, mehr Geld einzuzahlen oder länger zu spielen, als ihr eigentlich möchtet. Zum Beispiel kann die Auszahlung des Gewinns erst nach einer Einzahlung erfolgen. Das bedeutet, dass ihr, obwohl ihr einen No Deposit Casino Bonus ohne Einzahlung genutzt habt, immer noch eine Einzahlung vornehmen müsst, bevor ihr eure Gewinne auszahlen lassen könnt.

Einige Casinos setzen hohe Wettanforderungen für Boni ohne Einzahlung. Dies bedeutet, dass ihr den Bonusbetrag mehrere Male setzen müsst, bevor ihr Gewinne abheben könnt. Immer die gültigen Bedingungen des Casinos sorgfältig durchzulesen, bevor ihr einen Bonus ohne Einzahlung in Anspruch nehmt, daran geht kein Weg vorbei.

Jeglicher Anreiz für Spieler zu Beginn der Casino-Karriere kann eine aufregende Möglichkeit sein, die Vielfalt der Spiele in einem Online-Casino ohne finanzielles Risiko zu erleben.

Jedoch sind eine umsichtige Vorgehensweise und Kenntnis der Bedingungen unerlässlich. Auch wenn Boni und Freispiele ohne vorherige eigene Einzahlung attraktiv sind, ist es wichtig, die Kontrolle zu behalten.

Setzt euch selbst Grenzen in Bezug auf Zeit und Geld und erinnert euch daran, dass das Spielen in erster Linie zur Unterhaltung dient.

Ein bewusster Umgang mit Glücksspielen im Online Casino ohne Einzahlung und eine ausreichende Kenntnis der Bedingungen und Praktiken von Casinos ohne Einzahlung sind der Schlüssel zu einem sicheren und unterhaltsamen Spielerlebnis.

Bleibt informiert und verantwortungsbewusst, um das Beste aus eurem Casino-Erlebnis zu machen. Denkt immer daran: Spielerschutz geht vor. Die Flexibilität der Boni ohne Einzahlung ist eines der Hauptmerkmale, die sie für Spieler so attraktiv machen.

Durch die Möglichkeit, diese auf verschiedene Spielarten anzuwenden, kann das Spielerlebnis deutlich vielfältiger gestaltet werden. Es eröffnet Spielern die Chance, neue Spiele zu entdecken und ihr Können zu testen, ohne dabei eigenes Geld zu riskieren.

Im Folgenden gehen wir ausführlich auf einige dieser Spielarten ein und erläutern, wie der Einsatz von Boni ohne Einzahlung das Spielerlebnis beeinflussen kann. Die Tatsache, dass der Markt für Online-Casinos in den vergangenen Jahren exponentiell gewachsen ist, steht außer Frage.

Mit dieser Entwicklung hat die Rolle der Casino-Software-Anbieter bei der Gestaltung der Spielererfahrung erheblich an Bedeutung gewonnen. Unter den zahlreichen Aspekten, die sie beeinflussen, verdienen die Angebote ohne Einzahlung besondere Aufmerksamkeit.

Casino-Software-Anbieter tragen zur Gestaltung der Boni ohne Einzahlung bei, die ihr in verschiedenen Online-Casinos finden könnt. Sie liefern die Spiele, die in diesen Angeboten enthalten sind und bestimmen, wie diese Boni in ihrem Spielumfeld genutzt werden können.

Etablierte Anbieter wie NetEnt, Microgaming oder Playtech haben eigene Ansätze, wie sie ihre Spiele in Verbindung mit solchen Bonusangeboten gestalten.

Ein wesentlicher Faktor, dem immer Aufmerksamkeit geschenkt werden muss, ist der Fakt, dass nicht alle Software-Anbieter identische Bonusstrukturen bieten.

Einige Anbieter neigen dazu, höhere Boni ohne Einzahlung anzubieten, während andere den Fokus eher auf eine größere Anzahl von Freispielen legen. Die Qualität der Spiele, die mit diesen Boni verknüpft sind, variiert ebenfalls. Einige Software-Anbieter legen Wert auf detailreiche Grafiken und komplexe Spielmechaniken, während andere sich auf Einfachheit und direkte Belohnungen konzentrieren.

Bonus Codes sind ein wichtiger Bestandteil vieler Angebote ohne Einzahlung in der Welt der Online-Casinos. Sie dienen als Schlüssel, um bestimmte Angebote freizuschalten und bieten Spielern somit Zugang zu exklusiven Boni.

In den folgenden Abschnitten werden wir die Bedeutung und Anwendung von Bonus Codes bei Angeboten ohne Einzahlung eingehend erläutern. Einen Bonus Code zu finden, ist in der Regel nicht schwer. Sie werden oft direkt auf der Website des Online-Casinos angezeigt oder in E-Mails und Werbematerialien des Casinos beworben.

Ihr könnt sie auch auf Vergleichs- und Bewertungsportalen für Online-Casinos finden, wo sie häufig in Verbindung mit detaillierten Casino-Reviews und aktuellen Angeboten aufgeführt sind. Das Einlösen eines Bonus Codes ist in der Regel ein einfacher und geradliniger Prozess. Nachdem ihr euch im Online-Casino registriert habt, werdet ihr in der Regel nach dem Code gefragt.

Ihr gebt dann einfach den Code in das entsprechende Feld ein und der Bonus wird eurem Konto gutgeschrieben. Manchmal, aber eher selten, kann es jedoch erforderlich sein, den Kundendienst des Casinos zu kontaktieren, um den Bonus zu aktivieren.

Bonus Codes spielen auch eine zentrale Rolle in den Bedingungen von Angeboten ohne Einzahlung. Sie stellen sicher, dass nur berechtigte Spieler Zugang zu den Angeboten erhalten und verhindern Missbrauch.

Sie legen zudem fest, welche Art von Bonus ihr erhalten werdet, sei es Gratisguthaben, Freispiele oder etwas anderes. Ebenso können sie mit bestimmten Anforderungen verknüpft sein, wie beispielsweise Mindestumsätzen, Gültigkeitsdaten und spezifischen Spielen, auf die der Bonus angewendet werden kann.

Abschließend kann gesagt werden, dass Bonus Codes ein integraler Bestandteil vieler Angebote ohne Einzahlung sind.

Sie sind das Tor zu exklusiven Bonusangeboten und spielen eine wichtige Rolle bei der Sicherstellung der Fairness und Integrität dieser Angebote. Es ist daher für euch als Spieler von entscheidender Bedeutung, die Funktionsweise und die Anwendung von Bonus Codes zu verstehen, um das Beste aus den Angeboten ohne Einzahlung herauszuholen.

Casino-Rezensionen spielen eine unverzichtbare Rolle bei der Suche nach den besten Angeboten ohne Einzahlung. Sie liefern wertvolle Informationen über die Angebote, Bedingungen und die allgemeine Erfahrung, die ihr in einem bestimmten Online-Casino erwarten könnt.

Diese Einblicke helfen euch dabei, ein umfassendes Bild von einem Casino und seinen Angeboten zu bekommen und eine fundierte Entscheidung zu treffen. Unabhängige Rezensionen bieten eine detaillierte Analyse verschiedener Aspekte eines Casinos.

Sie decken typischerweise Themen ab wie die Qualität der Spiele, den Kundendienst, die Sicherheit und Fairness, die verfügbaren Zahlungsmethoden und natürlich die Bonusangebote einschließlich der Angebote ohne Einzahlung.

Indem ihr euch diese Rezensionen durchlest, könnt ihr ein besseres Verständnis dafür entwickeln, was ihr von einem bestimmten Casino erwarten könnt und wie attraktiv dessen Angebote ohne Einzahlung tatsächlich sind.

Rezensionen können auch helfen, die kleinen, aber bedeutenden Details zu entdecken, die oft in den Bonusbedingungen versteckt sind. Wettanforderungen, Zeitlimits, maximale Auszahlungsbeträge und Spieleinschränkungen sind nur einige der Faktoren, die einen erheblichen Einfluss auf den tatsächlichen Wert eines Bonus ohne Einzahlung haben können.

Eine gute Rezension wird diese Aspekte hervorheben und analysieren, um euch eine klare Vorstellung davon zu geben, was ihr von einem Bonusangebot erwarten könnt.

Noch ein Vorteil von Casino-Rezensionen ist, dass sie euch oft einen Einblick in die Erfahrungen anderer Spieler geben. Diese Nutzererfahrungen können besonders wertvoll sein, da sie aus erster Hand berichten, wie es ist, in einem bestimmten Casino zu spielen und dessen Angebote zu nutzen.

Diese Perspektiven können dazu beitragen, eure Erwartungen zu kalibrieren und euch dabei helfen, Überraschungen zu vermeiden.

In der Gänze betrachtet kann man feststellen, dass Casino-Rezensionen ein wertvolles Werkzeug bei der Auswahl der besten Angebote ohne Einzahlung sein könne n. Indem ihr euch die Zeit nehmt, sie gründlich zu lesen und zu analysieren, könnt ihr fundierte Entscheidungen treffen und das Beste aus den verfügbaren Angeboten herausholen.

Sie ermöglichen euch, hinter die glänzenden Fassaden und großzügigen Bonusbeträge zu blicken und das Online-Casino zu finden, das wirklich euren Bedürfnissen und Vorlieben entspricht. Das Glücksspiel hat sich im Zeitalter der Digitalisierung stark gewandelt. Mobiles Gaming nimmt einen immer bedeutenderen Stellenwert ein.

Angesichts des häufigeren Gebrauchs von Smartphones und Tablets optimieren immer mehr Online-Casinos die Plattformen, sodass diese besser für mobile Geräte geeignet sind und bieten spezielle Boni für Spieler an, die lieber zum Handy greifen.

Ein solcher mobiler Bonus ohne Einzahlung ist auf die Bedürfnisse der mobilen Spieler zugeschnitten. So gibt es in vielen Casinos ein Startguthaben ohne Einzahlung wenn man die App im App Store downloaded und nutzt, oder sich mobil in seinen Account einloggt.

Nicht selten kann man sich dabei 50 oder mehr Freispiele sichern. Das machen die Casinos, um das Spielen von überall und vor allem zwischendurch sehr attraktiv zu machen. In unserer Auflistung ist immer genau angeführt wie und wo man sich die Freispiele genau holen kann.

Insgesamt bieten mobile Boni ohne Einzahlung eine einzigartige und flexible Möglichkeit, die Variabilität der Online-Casinos zu erleben. Sie sind ein klares Signal dafür, dass die Zukunft des Glücksspiels mobil ist und die Online-Casinos bereit sind, sich anzupassen und innovative Lösungen anzubieten, um die sich ändernden Bedürfnissen und Vorlieben der Spieler zu befriedigen.

Das stetig wachsende Universum der Online-Casinos, speziell der Angebote ohne Einzahlung, ist facettenreich und dynamisch. Obwohl es verlockend ist, sich von großzügigen Bonusangeboten mitreißen zu lassen, ist eine fundierte Auswahl des richtigen Angebots und Casinos entscheidend.

Egal, ob ihr alte Hasen seid oder frisch in die Szene einsteigt, holt euch das notwendige Wissen, bleibt auf dem Laufenden und zögert nicht, von den wertvollen Ressourcen wie Rezensionen und Vergleichsportalen Gebrauch zu machen.

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Wie funktioniert ein solcher Bonus und wie schnell bekommt man diesen? Du kannst den Bonus direkt bei der Registrierung auswählen Du musst den Bonus im Live-Chat anfordern Du bekommst den Bonus nach deiner 1. Einzahlung gutgeschrieben. Wann genau bekommt man den Bonus gutgeschrieben? Beim Kundenservice kannst du dich noch einmal informieren wie die Verifizierung abläuft Bei einer Verifizierung musst du einen Identitätsnachweis und oft auch eine Bestätigung der Zahlungsmethode aufweisen.

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Es gilt: Bonusbedingungen immer genau durchlesen bevor man diesen in Anspruch nimmt. Welche Bedingungen haben solche Angebote? Oftmals kann ein solches Bonusangebot nur bei bestimmten Slots eingesetzt werden. Auszahlungslimits bei Angeboten ohne Einzahlung Auszahlungslimits sind ein weiteres wichtiges Element, das ihr berücksichtigen solltet.

Wenn beispielsweise das maximale Auszahlungslimit bei EUR liegt, könnt ihr, selbst wenn ihr EUR gewinnt, nur EUR abheben. Begriffsdefinitionen zu den unterschiedlichen Boni Um das Beste aus eurer Online-Casino-Erfahrung herauszuholen, ist es hilfreich, einige Schlüsselbegriffe zu verstehen:.

Freispiele: das sind kostenlose Spielrunden an Spielautomaten. Sie werden oft als Teil eines Bonusangebots angeboten und sind normalerweise auf ein bestimmtes Spiel oder eine bestimmte Gruppe von Spielen beschränkt. Freespins: ein Synonym für Freispiele. Der Begriff wird in der Online-Casino-Industrie häufig verwendet und bezieht sich auf kostenlose Spielrunden an Spielautomaten.

Mindestumsatz: ein anderer Begriff für Wettanforderungen. Es handelt sich um die Anzahl der Male, die ein Bonusgeld eingesetzt werden muss, bevor die Gewinne abgehoben werden können. Auszahlungslimit: der maximale Geldbetrag, den ihr abheben könnt, nachdem ihr die Bonusbedingungen erfüllt habt.

Jeder Betrag, der das Auszahlungslimit übersteigt, wird normalerweise vom Casino entfernt. Verifizierung: ein Prozess, bei dem das Casino die Identität und das Alter des Spielers überprüft, um sicherzustellen, dass er berechtigt ist, zu spielen und Geld abzuheben.

Das geschieht normalerweise, indem der Spieler einen Identitätsnachweis und einen Wohnsitznachweis an das Casino sendet. Diese Punkte müsst ihr erfüllen, wenn ihr profitieren wollt Ein Willkommensangebot in Anspruch zu nehmen, das ist nicht einfach nur ein einfacher Klick.

Seid mindestens 18 Jahre alt: Glücksspiel ist eine Erwachsenenaktivität und die meisten Online-Casinos verlangen, dass ihr mindestens 18 Jahre alt seid, um ihre Dienste zu nutzen. Seid Neukunden beim Anbieter: Boni ohne Einzahlung sind in der Regel für neue Spieler gedacht.

Stellt sicher, dass ihr bisher noch kein Konto bei dem Anbieter habt. Habt den Bonus bisher noch nicht genutzt: Wenn ihr den Bonus schon einmal in Anspruch genommen habt, könnt ihr ihn normalerweise nicht noch einmal nutzen.

Gebt korrekte Daten an: Stellt sicher, dass alle Informationen, die ihr dem Casino gebt, korrekt sind. Das beinhaltet euren Namen, Adresse, Geburtsdatum und andere relevante Details Spielt in einem Land, in dem der Bonus gewährt wird: Einige Boni ohne Einzahlung sind auf Spieler aus bestimmten Ländern beschränkt.

Stellt sicher, dass ihr in einem Land wohnt, in dem der Bonus gültig ist. Gib bei der Registrierung immer deine korrekten Daten an. Neue Online Casinos Gerade wenn ein neues Online Casino auf dem Markt kommt bieten diese oft ein Startguthaben ohne Einzahlung an, um möglichst attraktiv zu sein.

Aktuell noch unbekannte Online Casinos Selbiges gilt auch für Casinos die noch vor der tatsächlichen Markteinführung stehen. Unbekannte Online Casinos Auf Casinoformat findet ihr am Schnellsten welche Casinos neu auf den Markt kommen Casinoformat Redaktion.

Wie man die besten Angebote ohne Einzahlung findet Auf der Suche nach den attraktivsten Angeboten ohne Einzahlung könnt ihr eine Vielzahl von Online-Casinos auf dem Markt finden. Je mehr Spiele zur Verfügung stehen desto leichter sind die Umsatzbedingungen zu erfüllen.

So unterscheidest du zwischen guten und schlechten Angeboten. Diese Fehler solltet ihr tunlichst vermeiden Die Vielfalt der Online-Casinos kann verlockend sein, insbesondere wenn es um Boni ohne Einzahlung geht. Falsche Angaben: Beim Registrieren in einem Online-Casino ist es von entscheidender Bedeutung, korrekte und aktuelle Informationen anzugeben.

Tatsächlich ist die Angabe falscher Informationen nicht nur unethisch, sondern kann auch zu Konsequenzen führen, wie der Schließung eures Kontos oder der Beschlagnahmung von Gewinnen.

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Basketball Wettmarkt

Basketball Wettmarkt

Neben den klassischen Buchmachern und Seiten für Sportwetten drängen in letzter Zeit auch Casino-Seiten auf den Wettmarkt. Man kann dabei oft sogar in einem Casino ohne Anmeldung auf Basketball setzen.

Die erfahrenen Casino-Betreiber bringen ihr Know How aus der Gestaltung von Casinospielen und Slots ein, wenn es darum geht, ein tolles Ergebnis für die Spieler zu schaffen und die Sicherheit der Wetten zu garantieren.

Juli 6. August basketball. de Redaktion Basketball , Basketball Wetten , Wetten. Die NBA — Beliebteste Basketball-Liga der Welt In den letzten sieben Jahrzehnten ist sie auf 30 Teams aus ganz Nordamerika angewachsen und zieht Talente nicht nur aus Amerika an, sondern auch aus Afrika, Australien, Europa, Asien und Südamerika.

Verschiedene Arten von Wetten Lesen Sie hier eine kurze Einführung in die verschiedenen Arten, beim Basketball Wetten abzuschließen: Spread Betting Beim sogenannten Spread Betting setzt man darauf, dass ein Team mit einem gewissen Vorsprung an Punkten gewinnt — oder das andere Team nicht mit mehr als einer gewissen Zahl an Punkten verliert.

Wetten auf die Underdogs Normalerweise setzen die Sportfans auf ihre Favoriten. Wetten auf populäre Teams Normale Sportfans setzen nicht nur gern auf ihr Lieblingsteam, sondern auch auf populäre Teams, zum Beispiel auf die Los Angeles Lakers. Setzen auf die Gesamtpunktzahl Diese Art der Wette ist sehr beliebt.

Die Quoten beim Wetten auf Basketball Wie bei jedem anderen Sport ist es beim Basketball wichtig, die Quoten genau anzusehen und zu vergleichen.

Wetten auf Basketball im Online Casino Neben den klassischen Buchmachern und Seiten für Sportwetten drängen in letzter Zeit auch Casino-Seiten auf den Wettmarkt.

Das könnte Dir auch gefallen. Unfinished Business — Der Weg der NINERS Chemnitz in die BBL Dezember basketball. de Redaktion Kommentare deaktiviert für Unfinished Business — Der Weg der NINERS Chemnitz in die BBL.

In den Nachkriegsjahren in der Bundesrepublik populär geworden, hat Basketball inzwischen auch im Portfolio vieler Buchmacher seinen festen Platz.

Wie viele Deutsche spielen eigentlich Basketball? Laut Deutschem Basketball Bund sind mehr als Der Großteil aktiver Spieler steht nach dem Job auf dem Feld. Ein Teil wird hin und wieder auch bei Buchmachern vorbeischauen.

Was ist beim Wetten auf Basketball alles zu beachten? Oder ist vielleicht vollkommen egal, welcher Bookie den Zuschlag erhält. Basketball ist nicht der wichtigste Wettmarkt bei Online Buchmachern. Eingefleischte Fans werden dies vielleicht anders sehen.

Mit dem Angebot beim Fußball kann Basketball in Deutschland nicht mithalten. Umso wichtiger ist für Basketball Wetten, sich richtig zu entscheiden.

In der Praxis variiert das Wettangebot der einzelnen Sportwettenanbieter durchaus sehr deutlich. Generell sind die NBA Spiele bei den meisten Buchmachern sehr prominent vertreten.

Zwar handelt es sich hier um die US-Basketball-Liga. Trotzdem hat die NBA international große Bedeutung. Euroleague und Eurocup stehen — wie übrigens auch die Bundesliga — nicht mehr ganz so stark im Vordergrund.

Heißt für passionierte Basketballfans, dass ein genauer Blick aufs Wettangebot sein muss. Tipp: Beim Check des Wettangebots geht es nicht nur um die Pre-Match-Wetten. Auch Livewetten gehören in diesem Zusammenhang unbedingt auf den Prüfstand.

Starten wollen wir unsere Reise durch die Basketball Wettarten mit den Märkten, die euch bei den besten Wettanbietern für Basketball ständig begleiten werden.

Bei der Siegwette gilt es den Gewinner des Spiels vorherzusagen. Endet das Match nach der regulären Spielzeit mit einem Unentschieden, bleibt die Wette trotzdem gültig.

Das Endergebnis inklusive einer möglichen Verlängerung ist entscheidend für die Bewertung dieser Wettart. Sollte euer Favorit also erst nach Verlängerung gewinnen, ist eure 2-Weg-Wette trotzdem erfolgreich.

Nicht so stark verbreitet ist die klassische 3-Weg-Wette, die ihr vor allem von den Fußball Wettmärkten kennt. Bei den Basketball Wetten 1X2 zählt das Ergebnis nach der regulären Spielzeit. Somit kann das Spiel auch mit einem Unentschieden enden. Beim Basketball kommt ein Remis jedoch eher selten vor, was die vergleichsweise sehr hohen Wettquoten für diese Option erklärt.

Spread Wetten sind vor allem im US-Sport tief verankert und sind quasi die amerikanische Version des Handicaps. Die Handicap Wetten Basketball funktionieren fast genauso wie der gleichnamige Wettmarkt beim Fußball.

Bei den Spread Wetten Basketball wird einem Team ein fiktiver Vorsprung oder Rückstand gegeben. Dieser kann sowohl in ganzen als auch in halben Zahlen ausgedrückt werden und muss dem Endergebnis inklusive möglicher Verlängerung hinzugezählt beziehungsweise abgezogen werden. Sollte das Spiel mit der Spread-Vorgabe unentschieden enden, erhaltet ihr euren Einsatz zurück.

Beispiel: Nehmen wir an, dass der Wettanbieter den Spread von ,5 auf die Heimmannschaft gelegt hat. Gewinnt das Heimteam das Match mit , verlieren alle Wetten auf den Gastgeber.

Durch den Abzug des Spreads ,5 ergibt sich eine Punktzahl von 99,5. Diese reicht somit nicht aus, um die erzielten Punkte des Gastteams zu übertreffen. Anwendung: Mit diesen Handicap Wetten Basketball habt ihr die Möglichkeit, auch auf klare Favoritenteams mit geringen Siegquoten, noch lukrative Gewinne zu erzielen.

Diese solltet ihr nutzen, wenn ihr von einem deutlichen Sieg des Favoriten überzeugt seid und das Übertreffen der Spread Vorgabe sehr wahrscheinlich ist. Auf der anderen Seite gibt es natürlich auch die gegenteilige Option.

Traut ihr dem Außenseiter zwar nicht den Sieg des Spiels zu, erwartet aber ein viel engeres Match, als es die Vorgabe vermuten lässt, sind die positiven Spread-Vorgaben eure Option.

Bei dieser Basketball Wettart legt ihr euch auf den Vorsprung des Gewinnerteams am Ende des Spiels fest. Dafür stellt euch der Anbieter verschiedene Punktespannen zur Auswahl, aus der ihr euren Favoriten wählt. Gebräuchliche Vorgaben folgen beispielsweise dem Muster , , , Punkte. Eventuelle Verlängerungen fließen mit in das Ergebnis ein.

Je nachdem ob diese Zahl gerade oder ungerade ist, gewinnt oder verliert der Einsatz. Sie eignen sich sehr gut für statistische Berechnungen und dienen dementsprechend oft als Grundlage zahlreicher Wettstrategien.

Dies gilt natürlich auch für Basketball. Diese Wettart wird beim Basketball sehr häufig und unterschiedlich eingesetzt.

Ihr müsst vorhersagen, ob diese Summe unter oder über einem vom Buchmacher festgelegten Wert liegt. Beispiel: Wir haben uns bei einem NBA Spiel für ein Over ,5 Punkte entschieden. Beträgt die Gesamtpunktzahl des Duells am Ende mindestens Punkte haben wir die Wette gewonnen.

Dies wäre beispielsweise bei der Fall.

Money Line: Der Money-Line-Markt ist der populärste und einfachste Wettmarkt für Basketball. · Spread/Handicap: · Gesamtzahl Punkte: · Player Props Mit dem richtigen Wettmarkt lassen sich Ihre Chancen beim Online Wetten auf einen Gewinn deutlich steigern. Die gängigste Sportwette in Deutschland ist wohl der Basketball & viele mehr funktionieren Spread Wetten Basketball/Handicap Wetten Basketball Bei diesem Wettmarkt stehen die Rebounds im Mittelpunkt



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Gamification in gambling

Gamification in gambling

In addition, gamification techniques can be used to engage casino players through social media and other online platforms, such as LinkedIn, to create a more interactive and immersive gaming experience.

Gamification techniques, such as loyalty points programs and perks, can be used to enhance the loyalty of casino players. These features can provide incentives for players to continue playing and can create a sense of progression and achievement that can make the gaming experience more enjoyable and immersive.

In addition, gamification elements such as leaderboards and tournaments can create a sense of competition and can encourage casino players to continue playing in order to achieve higher rankings or win prizes. Overall, gamification can help to create a more engaging and rewarding gaming experience for casino players, which can lead to increased loyalty.

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Moreover, fascinating character development and increased immersion can be achieved if these avatars gain special talents or benefits as players progress. However, some commentators argue that these avatars might cause people to indulge in compulsive gambling.

Nonetheless, with various gambling reforms in the digital age, various factors are implemented to safeguard gamers against problematic gambling patterns, including stake limits and self-exclusion tools.

Online casino app gamification developers have noted the superior social aspects of gambling; in current times, it is common for platforms to implement robust social connectivity, accommodating users to easily identify and engage with their friends, display their accomplishments, and collaborate to complete tasks.

Online casino applications provide a feeling of community among users, akin to multiplayer video games that encourage camaraderie and rivalry among players. Ultimately, the social component of casino gambling increases its already wide appeal and increases player retention.

In conclusion, casinos appeal to a wide range of customers by incorporating features from popular video games within the gaming experience, assembling a more dynamic, interactive and exciting platform.

App gamification is impacting the future of online casinos and attracting participants with innovative features. Moreover, it is anticipated to exponentially increase in popularity as technology improves.

With tools like leaderboards, achievements, and rewards, gamification drives user engagement. They crave fast gameplay, intuitive platforms, enhanced graphics, etc. Hence, innovation and gamification are essential to stay competitive in the industry.

By providing immersive game experiences, users are more likely to return to the platform. Gamification Casinos- The Future: With technology advancing, we can expect a steady rise in online and mobile gaming. Gamified casinos are at the forefront of this evolution, offering unique gaming experiences catering to the players of tomorrow.

It offers a large set of powerful features to increase user engagement and loyalty. Overall , the limitless benefits of gamification in the iGaming industry make it an integral tool for operators. It effectively drives user engagement, customer retention, and business growth. The ever-evolving landscape of iGaming has seen a massive expansion in the last few years, and not even the lockdowns were able to shake its foothold.

With alluring perks such as monetary benefits, leveled rewards, leaderboards, and exciting individual and team vs team competitions, Gamification tools and techniques drive extreme engagement and are creating a revolution within the iGaming industry all across the globe.

Online casinos have become one of the go-to ways for players today. Their convenience is unchallenged and they offer a massive variety of games, which makes them irresistible to many. And with its highly advanced and ever-evolving techniques, Gamification is likely the most powerful tool that an online c asino can implement to boost engagement and keep players coming back.

This is also known as customer retention. But as the power of tech grew, so did the needs of players. Users became used to faster gameplay, state-of-the-art graphics, intuitive platforms, the ability to play on multiple devices, and more. There is a never-ending thirst for innovation, and businesses are always on the lookout for next-gen technology which could help them stay on top of the customer-retention game.

The players of today are also much more informed and savvy than their predecessors and will not settle for mediocrity when they can have access to the creme de la creme.

Innovation is the driving force behind every successful online casino, and business owners should always try to offer freshness, variety, and unique gaming experiences to their customers.

Also, leaderboards are a perfect fit for online casinos since they already have competitions and tournaments with rankings. Leaderboards are pretty simply structured, which makes them perfect for players with different levels of expertise to enjoy.

Online casinos may also have a number of select slot games that need to be played in a particular order to climb the leaderboard. The better you perform, the higher you climb to win big and exciting prizes.

And in order to draw in even more players, some casinos allow players to share their scores on their social media pages.

And this brings us to…. The rise of Gamification in iGaming also owes a major part of its success to social gaming. These precursors of iGaming served as an experiment to see how much engagement they could extract from users; how many players would be playing; how many would be willing to spend cash on in-game purchases such as special items, and how different video game elements would influence the user base.

And as soon as the test gave out sufficient enough information, online casinos entered a new era by fully embracing Gamification.

SEO in iGaming is a crucial aspect for online gaming platforms which helps them to increase their visibility and ranking in search engines, attracting more players and enhancing revenues.

It includes optimizing website elements and creating valuable content related to games, betting, casinos and more, to improve organic search outcomes.

iGaming SEO agencies like Rankstar specialize in this unique sector, offering tailored SEO strategies to gain a competitive advantage in the vast and ever-growing realm of online gaming. Another key tool online casinos have adopted to immerse online players is narrative storytelling.

Back in the day, casino games would only consist of buttons being pressed, levers pulled, and combinations made, which resulted in cash being won. Successful online casinos, however, now include appealing storylines with missions and quests to go through in order to clear levels.

Narrative storytelling gives people a worthy reason to keep on playing, aside from wanting a cash reward. Mission-based accomplishments are key when it comes to an immersive online casino experience.

When applied to iGaming, these elements feel similar to role-playing video games RPGs , first person shooters FPS , adventures, and other massively popular types of games.

Missions can take on many shapes in which players can complete in-game tasks or play as a cool protagonist like a sword-wielding knight to complete an adventurous quest and save a princess from the clutches of evil. Casinos have been offering loyalty points since the creation of the industry.

These points are used to reward regular and loyal customers. The key point system is based on the frequency of bets placed. For example, a player is awarded 2 points for every 5 dollars they spend on slots or tables. Some online casinos have applied these ideas to an astounding extent.

Instead of regular loyalty points, for example, they use virtual in-game currency, which players collect as they go along on their journey. They can then use this currency to spend it in the virtual store for additional bonuses, free spins, and so on. As mentioned above, the main goal of Gamification is to elevate the experience of the user, and to immerse them in the game, which adds priceless value to the whole process.

Online slot games serve as a good example of this.

Gamified casinos are platforms that combine traditional gambling games with the mechanics and narratives typically associated with video games “Gamification can be boiled down to two key elements,” he says. “Gameful thinking and incentivisation. It's a way of enhancing the loyalty of Gamification offers a way to engage players. The ultimate purpose of gamification is to retain players as customers of an online casino. Online

German gambling operators

German gambling operators

A prerequisite for inclusion in the white list is the granting of a gaming licence by the German regulator. Since 1 January , the GGL has taken over from the Regional Council of Darmstadt and the Administration Office in Saxony-Anhalt.

While sports betting continues to be licensable, operators can now, for the first time, apply for licences to organise virtual slot-machine games and online poker in addition to organising and brokering sports betting.

This marks a significant transition from the previous treaty-based regulatory regime which postulated a total ban on these games of chance to the expansion of forms of gambling that can be licensed, especially on the internet.

While casino gaming licences are subject to numerical limitations, at least sports betting licences, virtual slot gaming licences and online poker licences have no such limitations. The regulator is obviously trying to control the black-market supply in this way. According to the current white list as of 19 October , 31 licences to operate sports betting, 41 licences to operate virtual slot machines and five licences for online poker have already been granted to private operators.

It is still possible to apply for these licences, since the Interstate Treaty does not provide for any time limits. With the above-mentioned as the main basis, operators face numerous challenges throughout their licensing procedures and thereafter.

These range from practical issues concerning the various measures intended to protect players deposit limits and their regulatory enforcement, security deposits and overall technical implementation of minor legal requirements, to name a few to an opaque network of competencies and a new and unfavourable taxation law.

Above all, several legal questions with regard to data protection law and overall compatibility with European law remain a structural predicament of the Interstate Treaty. Moreover, the Interstate Treaty contains numerous new rules that are open to interpretation — eg, the permissible range of sports bets or advertising restrictions.

Further regulatory changes have occurred in the field of advertising law, as each operator licence includes extensive ancillary provisions regarding permissible realms of advertising. Due to numerous open questions in connection with the unclear ancillary provisions of advertising, legal uncertainties can also be expected in the coming months or years.

The ancillary provisions under advertising law are therefore also the subject of numerous pending court cases in Germany. The most significant change to the gambling market is the new Interstate Treaty and the simultaneously ratified new taxation law, which flanks the operation of all permissible games of chance by a 5.

As of 1 July , the tax obligation applies to all gambling operators, regardless of their registered office, as soon as the gambling offer can be accessed within Germany. The tax obligations generally must be observed by any operator irrespective of whether they hold a licence.

The new tax rate will result in burdening the player with the tax rate or a reduction of gross gaming revenue GGR. Not only were new licensable games of chance introduced, but so was a new regulator, the GGL, seated in Saxony-Anhalt, which is responsible for permitting and supervising all games of chance in Germany that are operated online.

As of 1 January , the GGL is responsible nationwide for the licensing and supervision of:. German gambling regulation does not regulate social gaming, as social games are usually designed to fall outside the definition of a game of chance.

Esports is a growth sector and betting on esports is becoming increasingly popular. It is currently unclear whether esports will be recognised as a sport, making the regulatory situation complex.

However, an increasing number of voices in the scientific sports and legal community see esports as a sport; and it seems possible that in the coming years regulators will be more open to recognising esports as a sport. Betting on virtual sports is prohibited. Depending on how a fantasy sports offering is designed, it may fall outside the scope of German gambling regulation.

A key criterion will be whether the payments made qualify as a stake given in exchange for a chance to win.

In the case of a football manager game that spans an entire football season, the Federal Administrative Court did not assume it was a game of chance. A game will be considered a game of skill if the likelihood of winning predominantly depends on skill rather than chance. If this can be established, the game will not fall within the definition of a game of chance and, as a result, will not be subject to gambling regulation.

Blockchain technology has so far only played a role in the cryptocurrency context with regard to gambling in Germany. As German regulators have traditionally taken a critical stance on cryptocurrencies, they are not expected to be relevant in the near future in the gambling sector.

Under the Interstate Treaty, online sports and horse race betting are licensable. All other forms of online betting are considered to be games of chance that are still not licensable. If offered online, such activities would be considered unauthorised gambling by the Interstate Treaty.

Betting on social or political events eg, who will be the next German chancellor is prohibited. At the time of writing, 31 sports betting licences have been issued. Bingo is considered to be a lottery product.

Lotteries in general remain subject to a state monopoly. Since 1 July , operators may apply for licences for virtual slot games as well as for online poker. At the time of writing, the GGL has issued 41 licences to slots operators and five licences for online poker.

Due to a high tax on stakes, low return to player RTP is to be expected. Online poker now being permissible will also be restricted — eg, players may not play at more than four tables at the same time.

The licence will contain further restrictions in its ancillary provisions. Video poker is prohibited. Online poker is only allowed in variants without a banker, where different natural persons play against each other at a virtual table.

The player is also not allowed to choose a particular table; the allocation must be random. Under the Interstate Treaty, the federal states may decide to run online casino games as a state monopoly, in collaboration with private operators, or to grant licences to private operators.

Online casino games as defined by regulation are bank-holder games such as roulette and blackjack. These licences also cover the live broadcasting of table games. The number of licences will be strictly limited and must not exceed the number of licences of brick-and-mortar casinos in the respective state.

Each federal state may decide individually, and the licence will be valid only within that state. States may join their territories for licensing purposes. The first federal states have drafted legislation, and North Rhine-Westphalia and Schleswig-Holstein will issue online casino game licences to private operators.

Schleswig-Holstein has already carried out its tender. North Rhine-Westphalia is preparing its tender for On the other hand, Thuringia is one of the first federal states to rely on a state monopoly.

Lotteries are subject to a state monopoly. Private operators may only obtain licences allowing them to sell lottery tickets on behalf of the state lottery companies. Secondary lotteries are considered as unauthorised betting and, therefore, are a priority for regulatory enforcement.

There are no specific rules under gambling law with respect to fantasy sports. Whether a fantasy sports offering qualifies as a game of chance or falls outside the scope of German gambling regulations needs to be assessed on a case-by-case basis.

Whether a social gaming offering qualifies as a game of chance or falls outside the scope of German gambling regulations also needs to be assessed on a case-by-case basis. Land-based sports betting is permitted at various points of sale operated by the state lottery companies as well as in betting shops operated by licensed private operators.

As the licensing procedure for sports betting was carried out unlawfully in , operators were left without licences at first. Now that the sports betting licensing process has continued and the first licences have been granted, betting operators are expected to implement further requirements to their retail business.

Under the Interstate Treaty, live sports events may not be shown in a betting shop. Furthermore, betting shops must be separated legally, economically and organisationally from the organisation of sporting events or the sporting event itself. Apart from the nationwide regulations based on the Interstate Treaty, further legal cornerstones will have to be set out by the federal states.

Poker is generally considered to be a game of chance and, as such, is defined as a licensable product in most state casino acts and ordinances. It forms an integral part of land-based casino offerings.

Under exceptional circumstances and only when adhering to strict requirements, cash poker tournaments may be offered outside licensed casinos.

Land-based casino regulation is a matter of state law and, accordingly, regulatory requirements and licensing differ from state to state.

It will depend on the state in question as to whether licences are only available for state-owned companies or for private operators as well.

Slot machines outside casinos are restricted at federal level under the Trade Regulation Act and the Gaming Ordinance. These concern slot machines that may be set up in restaurants and bars, but also those set up in gaming halls.

The relevant laws restrict the maximum spin amount and maximum winnings, and they define the minimum spin duration as well as the maximum number of machines that may be set up in any one gaming hall.

However, sales of state lottery products may be licensed to private companies. Beyond the Interstate Treaty and the gambling acts transposing it into state law, the casino acts and casino ordinances of each German state constitute the main gambling legislation.

These, however, only affect brick-and-mortar casinos. At federal level, retail slot-machine gambling is regulated under the Trade Regulation Act and the Gaming Ordinance.

Horse-race betting at racetracks is also regulated at federal level. The relevant law is the Race Betting and Lottery Act of Rennwett- und Lotteriegesetz , which is also relevant from a tax perspective as it includes the tax base for a variety of gambling taxes, such as the lottery, sports betting, online poker and virtual slot games tax.

The Interstate Treaty does not include an express definition of land-based gambling. It merely defines what constitutes a game of chance. In general, any game of chance offered in land-based premises and not remotely may be considered land-based gambling.

The Interstate Treaty only defines what constitutes a game of chance. Online gambling must be assumed whenever games of chance are offered via the internet or by any means of remote communication within the meaning of Section c 2 of the German Civil Code. This includes games offered via mobile devices.

For licensed operations, key offences will mainly be licence violations. Enforcement in this context will mostly be under administrative law based on the practice applied by the German authorities. There are provisions in the law, however, that would theoretically allow enforcement under administrative offence law or criminal law.

Enforcement has mainly focused on regulatory measures. Criminal proceedings against operators have only become publicly known in a few high-profile cases.

These are usually aimed at major operators, and it is reasonable to assume that the public authorities use such cases to deter unregulated operators.

However, there is also a clear tendency for public authorities to significantly increase the number of enforcement measures, including those against payment service providers. The Interstate Treaty provides for penalties of up to EUR, per issue or for retaining the profits gained as a result of the violation.

The latter is usually calculated by means of a gross evaluation and will not consider any expenses or costs. Penalties that are not set in the Interstate Treaty vary between the states as they are defined in state legislation.

In administrative proceedings, interdiction letters will be issued on pain of fine in the range of approximately EUR10, to EUR50, per infringement, depending on the relevant state law. The sanctions set out under criminal law range from monetary fines to imprisonment for up to five years Section 1 , 2 of the German Criminal Code.

Germany underwent one of the biggest legislative changes in , when the Interstate Treaty came into force. The new regulatory framework:.

In order to assess whether the provisions of the Interstate Treaty may be changed in the near future, one must make a distinction between regulations in the Interstate Treaty that do not grant the GGL any room for interpretation or discretion and those that do contain room for discretion.

The latter namely, those that grant the regulator room for discretion can be re-evaluated on an ongoing basis and adjusted in a practice-oriented and purposeful manner. Other regulations, which do not provide for any discretion on the part of the authority in their application and interpretation, can be re-evaluated for the first time at the end of and in detail at the end of This is based on Section 32 of the Interstate Treaty.

The Prime Ministers had decided that the federal states would delegate their responsibilities to the GGL, which has been exclusively responsible for the supervision and licensing of gambling on the internet since the beginning of The authority is located in the federal state of Saxony-Anhalt.

Until the end of , the State Administration Office of Saxony-Anhalt was responsible for new online poker and virtual slot game licences. Certain states have assumed the role of a centrally responsible regulator for clearly defined areas of the law. Since the states are primarily responsible for regulating retail gambling or such offerings that do not cross state borders, the majority of licensing, supervisory and enforcement powers are vested in regulatory authorities at state level.

Most key responsibilities are assigned to the Ministries or Senates of the Interior, which may employ lower authorities to act on their behalf. Those responsibilities comprise the licensing and supervision of land-based casinos, and co-ordinating enforcement actions against suspected unlawful gambling operators.

Germany saw one of its biggest legislative changes in , when the Interstate Treaty came into force. With this regulatory update, new forms of games of chance were introduced to the legalised market. In addition to sports betting, which had been permissible prior to , online poker, virtual slot machine games and online casino games ie, bank-holder games all became permissible.

Application procedures have largely been completed, but new licence applications are still being submitted. The GGL was instated and established in , but only took up its responsibilities in , taking over the enforcement against illegal gambling on July 1st.

All other areas, in particular licensing supervision, regulation, research and evaluation, have been completely and solely administered by this regulatory authority since January Prior to this date, competencies were split, which meant that several bodies had to manage similar fields of regulation.

Licences are only available for certain products, such as sports betting, online poker and virtual slot games; other licences, including the licence to operate lotteries, may not be issued to private operators.

Unless a licence is issued by a centrally responsible regulator, licences will be issued on a state-by-state basis and will only take effect in the state or in relation to the premises for which they are issued.

German licences will always be issued to B2C companies. There is no B2B licensing system. Schleswig-Holstein became one of the first states in Germany to initiate casino licensing, meaning that private operators were able to apply for casino licences for the internet.

Its licensing regime ended in May The duration of available licences varies depending on the product in question and the licence conditions, which are often determined by state laws. Sports betting licences that were issued under the former Interstate Treaty had a licence term until 30 June The Interstate Treaty stipulated that these licences were further extended by virtue of the law until 31 December Almost all licences were renewed before they expired.

The new licence period is basically five years. Sports betting, online poker and virtual slot games licences, granted since the Interstate Treaty came into being, have a duration of five years.

Licence renewals have a term of seven years. In the land-based casino sector, the average licence term is ten to 15 years.

Often, there will be an option to extend licences for another five years. Certain documentation — eg, criminal records, certificates of good conduct, confirmations regarding tax compliance and other commercial records — will need to be provided for that purpose. This includes excerpts from corporate registers and disclosing relevant shareholders.

Disclosure thresholds, however, are not always clearly defined and vary depending on the specific licensing process. Furthermore, certain key staff will need to prove their expertise in the respective field by submitting CVs, certificates and other qualifications. Another common aspect in all German licence application procedures is that operators will be asked to submit so-called concepts, which are essentially company policies describing how the applicant intends to conduct its future business under the licence.

Key policies include:. The application timing varies depending on the licensing process in question, the number of staff available to review applications and other factors.

The issuance of licences will, for example, be delayed or even prevented if the licensing process is not designed and conducted in a lawful manner.

This occurred in relation to the sports betting licensing process that was initiated under the Interstate Treaty in Under the former Interstate Treaty, the granting of licences was again delayed, as it was suspended by court order.

Based on experience, land-based casino application proceedings tend to take between six and 18 months. The issuance of sports betting licences under the former Interstate Treaty took about six to nine months. Even under the regime of the new Interstate Treaty, the licensing process usually takes several months.

Application, or rather licensing, fees vary depending on the licensing process in question, but will usually depend on projected turnover. In addition, certain state laws on fee calculations can apply.

Ongoing annual fees vary depending on the licence in question, as well as on the state laws on the calculation of administrative fees applicable in the state issuing the licence. There will usually be different types of administrative actions that take into account the time spent on the part of the authority undertaking the supervision.

Requirements for retail outlets for lottery brokers are regulated by the local gambling acts of each German state. For gaming halls, certain minimum distance requirements apply, which are specified in state legislation.

They vary from to metres between licensed premises. The number of slot machines allowed per premises is also regulated and depends on the type of premises gaming hall, restaurant or bar and, in relation to gaming halls, the size of the premises.

In general, a maximum of 12 slot machines per gaming hall licence is permissible, as is a maximum of two slot machines in restaurants or bars. Since gaming hall regulation became part of the gambling regulation under the Interstate Treaty in , the legal situation for operators of gaming halls has become considerably stricter over recent years.

Gaming halls used to be regulated only at local level applying federal trade laws; specifically, the Trade Regulation Act. While the Trade Regulation Act provided for licences, these were not gambling licences.

Operators of gaming halls now require a gambling licence to conduct their business. Such gambling licences may only be issued if the gaming hall meets the criteria set out in the law. In particular, the gaming hall must not violate the applicable minimum distance requirements.

Due to the number of existing gaming halls in Germany, this is a problem for both newcomers and existing gaming hall operators. This led to a wave of litigation to prevent regulators from closing established premises that could not meet those distance requirements.

In some cases, lawsuits are still pending. Litigation against disproportionate restrictions must therefore be expected. B2B licences do not exist in Germany. Generally, there is a far-reaching liability for operators that employ affiliates.

Therefore, a gambling operator will want to make sure that its affiliates respect relevant marketing requirements for gambling operators to avoid being held accountable for any infringements. Those could, in particular, trigger interdiction letters and claims under competition law.

This includes affiliated links. In particular, revenue, deposit or stakes-based remuneration is prohibited. Regulators aim to prevent risks from players placing the highest possible stakes or making the highest possible deposits and suffering large losses.

Remuneration models therefore remain permissible in which the advertiser receives from the operator a previously agreed fixed amount per customer, to whom an advertisement is displayed and who clicks on the advertisement.

German gambling laws do not include specific provisions on white-label constellations. The entity entering into contracts with players is usually considered to be the operator.

Licence holders must specify the domains on which players may play, and these domains become part of the licence. The most recent development is the introduction of the new Interstate Treaty.

As mentioned before, the authorities and operators had to adjust to the new rules, including to their interpretation. Adventurebox Karlsruhe. Apparat Gaming. B2B Growth Agency. BAYES Holding. BET Deutschland Management GmbH. BRR Baumeister Rosing Rechtsanwälte.

Baris Elektronik GmbH. Bayes Esports. Bet IT Best GmbH. Blue Terra Ventures GmbH. Bonjwa UG haftungsbeschränkt. Bonn Institute. CCS coin-counting-systems GmbH. CPLAY — Professional Gaming. Card Sports League. Caseking GmbH. Casino Baden. Casino Baden-Baden. Casino Central. Casino Royale. Casino Seefeld.

Casino Universal. ChessBase GmbH. Collaboration Cards. Collective Ace Group. Comunio GmbH. CountR GmbH. DACS Laboratories GmbH.

DS Game Consulting. Deutscher Online Casino Verband e. Deutscher Sportwettenverband. Dragon Pulp Games. E-Systems GmbH. Eduversum Verlag und Bildungsagentur. Epos Bio Partner Süd GmbH. Föckersperger Ventures GmbH. GAMOMAT Development GmbH.

GAMOMAT Distribution GmbH. GKL Gemeinsame Klassenlotterie der Länder. GQA Games Quality GmbH. Game of Technologies Ltd. GameDay Competitions. Games Quality — Stefan Wegener e. Gamewarez GmbH. Gaming Academy. Gaming Stars. Gauselmann Group. German Poker Tours.

Givos GmbH. Gluecksfall - Safer Gambling Association. Golden Nugget Hotel and Casino - Lake Charles. Grand Casino. Highlander Games. IFgameSH e. Invictus Games Dusseldorf

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The Titanic was a picture book vision of an opulent party and it provides a great model for styling your event. We can provide both nautical and Edwardian decorations including, chandeliers, clocks, compasses etc.

With a black-tie dress code, you will create a fantastical, almost steampunk, setting for guests to revel in. Cities always make for a strong event theme — whether you are holding the party in the city or country, your on to a winner. A London theme party allows you to incorporate icons such as Big Ben or telephone boxes while using the colours of the Union Jack to light up your event.

We have all the table centrepieces you could want for when it comes to a London themed event! Interested in hosting an event in London? Check out twelve of the greatest London venues out there. When planning a pool-themed party, think lots of inflatable objects, water features, tile decorations, and a fully stocked cocktail bar.

This one may be more suited to the younger generation but it certainly is a lot of fun. We have a range of palm tree props sea creatures which you may be interested in for these event theme.

This is a very creative theme that is perfectly suited for millennial audiences. Guests will be amazed at the slowly-melting decorations and a few simple lights can go a long way here. So, whether your planning your event in the depths of winter or in the middle of summer, we have all you need for your frozen kingdom themed event idea.

We can provide decorations to include netting, planks, stressed wooden furniture, low lighting candles, and treasure chests. It might be too audacious for some corporate events but at the right place, guests will enjoy the chance to dress up. For decorations, we can provide black and white striped table centre pieces and decorations.

You could also install a police line-up area for guests to take photographs in. We have a photobooth which would be perfect for this. Post-New Years events can be difficult to get excited about early in the year, so Australia Day, held on January 26th, is a fantastic theme for a relaxed and fun event in winter months.

It might be similar to our pool party theme but with some Autrailian flair — kangaroos, barbeques, and plenty of southern crosses flying. We can provide several different props for these event theme; fairy lights, lanterns, ivy, flower arrangements, and a variety of woodland critters will make for a magical evening.

If you want lots of variety at your party, then a four seasons theme is ideal. Your styling will represent spring, summer, autumn, and winter and different types and areas can be transformed so that guests feel included in the theme.

It is perfect for larger events un particularly large venues. The cult film Labyrinth is great inspiration for a party thanks to its iconic masquerade ball scene and the many memorable characters that feature in it.

It is fantasy meets fine-dining and you can even include a labyrinth of your own for guests to explore. Whether it is basketball, rugby, football, or tennis — sports make for a solid theme choice.

You can base the colour scheme on any featured teams and there is an obvious angle to take with decorations and centrepieces. We have a selection of sports themed table centres that we can provide for any event. Sports theme table centre pieces can tie your event together and impress your guests.

A Mad Men themed party is a 60s party but a very specific one. It turns its attention to the high fashion and sophistication of s New York City and gives way to a smouldering and very stylish evening. Guests can get particularly excited about the wide range of cocktails that are usually present.

You can opt for a DIY aesthetic with stressed furniture, graffiti, leather, and plenty of safety pins. When you think of punks you immediately think of neon colours — we can provide this vibe with our lighting options and have a range of table centre pieces which will also fit the bill.

Sometimes you want an event to be more relaxed in order to allow guests to unwind and talk. A Buddha lounge theme is all about deliciously warm lighting and creating a truly Zen space for your guests to float around in. And we have a huge selection of props that we can provide to fit inline with this event theme.

It might be a zoo, a safari , a jungle, or just an animal theme — all of them are sure to give you some brilliant inspiration.

For a zoo theme, you may want to use our elephants or giraffes. A A Disney theme might not be ideal if you are planning a large ticketed event where copyright might be an issue, but you can certainly make a magical cartoon themed party wherever you want. The Disney canon is full of wonderful characters and scenes that will make a brilliant backdrop for the right event.

We can offer a huge array of lighting and prop options including tunnels and doors for the ultimate sci-fi entrance to your event. Charlie and the Chocolate Factory is one of the most iconic Roald Dahl stories and it lends itself very well to events and parties.

The two film adaptations give you a good visual map of what the factory might look like with its chocolate fountain, candy furnishings, and fresh colour scheme. You can style your event in traditional Bedouin tent style with draped ceilings, low-lying tables, marvellous rugs, and warming lanterns.

We can provide lighting to give the event that Arabian feel and with our bunting and drapes you and your guests will feel totally transported. Keep the spirit of 70s alive with a Saturday Night Fever themed event.

We have a selection of disco balls including disco ball table centre pieces to tie your whole event theme together. The Looney Tunes series has created some of the most memorable characters in history since its inception and it makes for a fun theme to a party. Prehistoric times offer ample ideas for ways to theme your event.

You can recreate interiors to look like caves, create decorations out of bones, and make liberal use of animal prints. Neon lights, hot pink, sweatbands, and early video games work to make a lively backdrop. Choosing a monochrome theme is a good way to make a bold statement.

The idea is to have all of your furnishings in black, white, or shades of grey between the two. The black and white event theme is a great option to use in conjunction with Black-Tie or Hollywood themed events as they follow the same level of chic.

You guests will feel super chic and extra special. A glam rock party is an 80s-themed party taken to the extreme. You want an atmosphere that says big hair, spandex, and harsh coloured lighting inspired by musicians such as David Bowie and Alice Cooper.

This is a good theme if you want to use fog machines and intense lighting arrangements. Medieval themed events can work very well if you have the right historic venue or outdoor space to work with them. We can offer you some options when it comes to rich colour schemes, large banquet tables, and a variety of fantastic props.

If you want to keep this theme updated you can turn it into a Game of Thrones theme. A Peter Rabbit party is different from a regular animal themed party.

Masquerade balls are famed for their opulence and are an excellent choice if you want a regal feel to your events. They are one of our more popular event themes — we have plenty of experience in dressing masquerade balls! Traditional balls take their inspiration from Venetian and Italian design with chandeliers, balconies, and deep red and white colours.

With our selection of mask props and mirrors, this event theme is a winner amongst the masses. The theme will have the essential red and white candy stripes and can incorporate furniture and features that Wally would have collected on his travels around the world.

A shipwreck event theme allows you to choose from a wide range of ideas an inspiration. We can provide a range of nautical decorations such as anchors and boat decks, under water see creatures, you can incorporate elements of a tropical island, and you can also bring in some parts of a pirate theme.

The idea is to incorporate large vintage toys into your design including tin soldiers, teddy bears, and model trains.

A general outdoors theme can be very strong — especially if it is an event celebrating an outdoor company or nature-focused event. At Table Art, we have a wide selection of trees and greenery which can make your guest feel at one with nature.

We can also provide parasols which are perfect for beach and tropical outside themes. The circus is always a popular theme for events and parties aimed at all ages. When people think of circuses, they tend to think of those popularised by PT Barnum. This includes candy stripe tents and many elements of a travelling carnival.

One of the big advantages of a circus-themed event is that it will fit well with many types of entertainment. The Wizard of Oz is a very good pop culture theme as you can draw from different sets and themes. The Emerald City and the yellow brick road to create a lively venue. You can also incorporate rainbows, straw men, and any of the other strange creatures and beasts living in Oz.

A Bollywood event allows you to celebrate Indian culture and to bring all the excitement of a Bollywood musical. With our various props and lighting, you can use bright primary colours, drapes, palm leaves, and sequinned patterns to create an energetic event that will get people on their feet.

An art deco theme differs from a Great Gatsby party as the focus is on the design and architecture of the 20s. This includes dark colours, brass and silver decorations, leather furniture, and bold cubist and modernist designs.

Many large hotels and older theatres already have some art deco design and are perfect venues for this theme. With our decorative panels and backdrops, this event theme really comes to life. This is perfect for a corporate event or a black-tie event theme.

A luau is a Hawaiian-style beach party which creates a relaxed and open type of event. Tiki patterns, bamboo, flower chains, and palm leaves are all staples of a Luau themed party. A prominent Tiki bar is essential along with streamers and straw skirting.

The Wild West is a classic theme of parties and pop culture. We can provide many icons such as an old saloon, poker tables, desert landscapes, cactuses, and giant wagon wheels.

We particularly live our cactus table centre pieces, these light up and can bring the theme to life. The Wild West is an excellent theme if you are also using an outdoor space as a few hay bales and some bunting can quickly transform it.

We can provide a range of table centre pieces and props along the world war II theme, using olives and brown colours, improvised decorations, and hallmarks of the early 20th century. The dress code for this type of event may be difficult for guests to follow so bear this in mind if selecting this as your event theme.

A back-to-school theme makes for a playful event which will really get guests involved as they take a trip down memory lane. You can choose to do it in the style of a school disco or go for a total transformation into a classroom with chalkboards, wooden desks, and decorations from your school years.

We can provide plenty of gold decorations, as well as sphinxes, columns, palm leaves, and hieroglyphics. This is a good theme if you are going to be hosting an event with indoor and outdoor space. If you are hosting an event in an industrial or modern-looking venue, then an alien theme is well suited to parties or product launches.

You can draw from the wide history of alien pop culture including E. A magician themed party can go down very well if you have the right venue and entertainment to match it. Your main style inspiration could be early 20th-century vaudeville designs.

We have a range of props which will fit this event theming idea including playing cards, fog, and dark red drapes and furniture. Alfred Hitchcock directed some of the most iconic films of all time and his work creates great material for styling an event.

You can include back drops and set designs from classic American hotels, bird decorations, murder mystery props, and even a silhouette of the man himself. Styling events with a Narnia theme in mind can be a lot of fun and well suitable for all ages — perfect for family events.

Besides the obvious typical winter wonderland setting we can event entrance to mimic a wardrobe and period-piece lighting with s-inspired designs. A jungle theme gives you lots of opportunities to transform a space and to encourage guests to explore a venue in new ways.

We have a range of tree, plant, and animal decorations and props which can be used to create your jungle world and having a dappled lighting effect to create a rainforest atmosphere.

A jungle theme is a huge opportunity and can be suitable for all ages. We can provide different styles for different age groups or times of year depending on your preference. You can try to recreate a neon-lit futuristic bar and take ideas from the cyberpunk world with lasers, intense lighting displays , and fluorescent decorations.

Across the UK every year, there are large events celebrating the countryside and local agriculture. If you are putting on an outdoor event , then you can use these shows for inspiration as you create a style that brings to mind wax jackets, fresh mud, quaint baking competitions, and farm animals.

This is perfect for an outdoor event but if you wanted to bring the party indoors we can provide table centres and props to match your event vibe. Mod is a fashion-conscious subculture which began in the late 50s and continues until today. It captures the excitement of the swinging 60s in London along with a passion for mopeds and parka coats.

You can base your colour scheme on their famous red, white, and blue colour scheme. We have a wide selection of props influenced from the 60s which you may be interested in using.

With our lighting options and florescent table centrepieces, your guests will be transported in no time. Ultra-bright colours are a must and you can create your own sweet shop for guests to visit during the event. We have a wide selection of table centres and props to use with this theme including guitars, drums, and other musical instruments.

They are perfect for this design and you can recreate the excitement of a rock concert for your guests. Ninjas and samurais have a strong presence in pop culture and they make a surprisingly strong event theme. You can base your style around Feudal Japan with paper screens, cherry blossom petals , and the traditional Japanese tea ceremony.

We have such a huge amount of props and decorations, we can equip any underground bar theme you have in mind. Make sure you contact us and we can discuss the vibe you are going for and give options on what we can offer.

Trying to recreate Neverland at your venue is a strong transformative theme and it can allow you to use a wide range of props and decorations.

Your theme can include pirate ships, tepees, clocks, London, and general fantasy icons. This is another theme that you could make use of our underwater creates and London props — a really great theme for children and adults.

The world of fashion and supermodels provides ample ideas for designing an event. You can create your own catwalk , install spotlights, and design your own range of avant-garde and beautiful decorations to bring a sense of high fashion to your event.

By utilising our lighting options you can really make you high fashion event theme pop! Your guests will feel like they have stepped into fashion week! A Hollywood party theme allows you to celebrate the greatest films of all time and we have a huge range of props and decorations to choose from which will fit in perfectly!

Using fluorescent lights and glow-in-the-dark paint you can create a sophisticated event with all the energy of a rave. Specific furniture may not be as important here as the use of lighting, fluorescent decorations , and lasers.

Think lots of candy colours, strange squiggly lines, colour blocking , and plenty of gold chains. One of our favourite event themes! Generally, a James Bond event will be similar to a black-tie event but with some spy props around a fondness for martinis.

This makes it comfortable for guests as the dres code is easy for them to follow. To throw a phenomenal James Bond party you can take a look at our 11 secrets for the perfect James Bond themed night. Picking a simple colour as your theme can be very powerful when taken to the extreme.

Choose a colour that is appropriate to your venue or event and then try to tastefully style your furniture , decorations , and tableware to match your theme colour.

Whatever colour you chose, we can match table centre pieces and lighting to tie all the elements together. Golf clubhouses have a style all of their own and using golf as a theme gives you an opportunity for a playful but polished event. Your basic style can be modelled after elegant clubhouses and you can decorate the venue with golf clubs and putting greens to complete the effect.

Classic Toga parties are a staple of the American college experience but you can put your own twist on a Roman or Ancient Greek theme party. By opting for busts of Roman emperors, large crumbling columns, and ivy twisting around door frames and centrepieces.

You can choose to use emerald greens and shamrocks, or you can opt for a more subdued design modelled on traditional Irish pubs. We have plenty of options when it comes to St. Patricks day and Ireland themed events.

If your event is going to be celebrating a British event or is significantly British in some way, then a best of British theme can be a good starting point.

We have a selection of Union Jack props and items which follow red white and blue as the main colour theme. You can also make use of British icons such as double-decker buses, beach huts, and red post boxes. A fantasy theme is a strong creative theme which allows you to use a broad range of props at your event.

Lord of the Rings inspired high fantasy, fairytale fantasy , or the gothic fantasy of Transylvania are all options. There a lot of inspiration to choose from. The Edwardian era was a short-lived period of time after the Victorians and before the First World War.

Your event should pull from Edwardian tea parties , large gowns, and pastel colours. If your event is going to feature some form of a quiz, then what better theme is there than quiz shows? You can model your event after a tv set and include plinths, spinning wheels of fortune, and large jackpot signs.

Superheroes are more popular than ever and they make for a colourful event theme. You can draw on both films and comic books to use cartoonish decorations, iconic characters, and well-known superhero settings such as the bat cave or New York City.

Our superhero props and table centres are a popular choice for these types of events — they never fail to impress. As a theme, you can try to replicate an edgy New York club with a smoky jazz feeling cutting through it all.

The image of the mafia popularised by films such as the Godfather is a good source of ideas for an event. Casino nights are a common theme for events and are similar to our Las Vegas theme. They are especially well liked as you can set-up a selection of your own casino games for guests to play risk-free.

Why not use our dice, blackjack, roulette tables, and fruit machines as your main source of inspiration. Cluedo or murder mystery themed parties are an excellent choice for events being hosted in manors or a similar historical building. Typically they will be held in a s setting and will include chalk outlines, obvious clues, and plenty of pipes and feather boas for decorations.

Everyone loves robots, especially our adorable pop culture version of them. If you choose this theme, then you can create some of your characters and have a venue strewn with wayward machine parts and a silver colour scheme. A teddy bear picnic theme makes for an adorable event and it is the perfect way to make a simple outdoor celebration.

To create the full teddy bear picnic atmosphere you will want to use gingham-print picnic rugs, large hampers, and of course plenty of teddies. A Russian themed event can be ideal for the right crowd and the right venue.

You can draw from classic Russian designs and colours using deep reds and pinks and choose decorations from our inventory which are inspired by the Kremlin or Russian dolls. Using the railway as a theme for your event can give you a very novel and creative looking design.

Consider recreating a classic dining carriage for your guests using an art deco style and complete the illusion with a miniature railway or train tracks.

The seaside is a light and fun theme for an event, and it can be used to make the most of summer or to put a new twist of winter events.

When styling your seaside themed event, you might want to take inspiration from traditional British seaside destinations such as Blackpool or Brighton. Make the most of our props and lighting which use pastel colour schemes and candy stripes.

We have a selection of beach umbrellas , deck chairs and bright, warm lighting which are all perfect for creating the seaside atmosphere.

If you are looking to bring a sense of adventure or wonder at your event, then a Himalayas or mountain climbing theme can be an excellent approach.

You can use a range of charcoal and stone colours that contrast with bright streamers and Tibetan prayer flags; for decoration, you can turn to vintage climbing and camping gear for a ring of authenticity.

You can draw from the glamour of s Hollywood and complete your design with a lamppost lit sidewalk and plenty of umbrellas. Your event will carry all the sophistication of a Hollywood award evening while celebrating iconic stars such as Cher, Elvis Presley, and Madonna.

We can help you to make the event look like a stage, complete with props and red theatre curtains. An American themed event gives you lots of ideas and icons to pull from to make a vibrant evening. You can include replicas of landmarks such as the Statue of Liberty or the Hollywood sign and use colour schemes and decorations from different states or periods of American history.

The Mad Max films created some of the intriguing designs and landscapes found in cinematic history. For your event, you can create your own Bartertown using olds pieces of machinery and a metallic colour scheme. The Tudors are famed for their opulent feasts and regal style.

A Tudor theme can really bring the right venue to life and makes good use of indoor and outdoor space. Your decorations should use a lot of warm colours, dark wooden interiors, and lavish flower arrangements. If you want a loud, family-friendly event, then a unicorn theme is the ideal choice.

You want to go over the top with rainbows, glitter, pastel colours, and adorable decorations. A unicorn styled event works particularly well when you want a simple way to wildly transform a stuffy venue.

Paris is a city that is known for inventing its own style and it has a unique atmosphere that translates well into an event theme. You can choose to begin decorating with iconic French and Parisian landmarks such as the Eiffel Tower and the Louvre, and incorporate the high-fashion and meticulous design that Paris is known for with ornate decorations and a monochrome colour scheme.

A California theme makes for a laid-back but stylish event and goes well with venues that have a modernist and relaxed atmosphere.

A California theme should try to capture the design and feel of millionaire-homes resting along Big Sur with 60s-inspired minimal designs and a light and airy colour scheme. Indiana Jones is arguably the most well-known adventurer around.

The Indiana Jones films make a great backdrop for an exciting event. You can use props and decorations that bring to mind hidden tomb and lost treasure. Comic strips have a style all of their own and you can turn to both the artwork and the characters to construct an event with a unique feel.

You might want to make use of panel designs, bright colours , speech bubbles, and other comic flairs when dreaming up decorations.

With Dr Who, you are aiming for a mix between the staple lasers and spaceship interior decorations of a sci-fi theme. You might include Daleks and police boxes alongside pieces of furniture from across all of history and time. The life of a biker carries a strange romanticism with it and it is ripe material for a themed event.

There is the obvious motorcycles and motorcycle paraphernalia. You can draw inspiration from terrifying tattoos and classic America dive bars. Downton Abbey has been an enormously popular show. Its backdrop of an early 20th-century country estate is good inspiration for an event. The style of the event should be more reserved than you might normally have at a s event.

The design should create the atmosphere of a stately home. If you are gearing your event for families or your venue has a rugged outdoor space, then a dinosaur theme will fit well. As well as the eponymous dinosaurs, you can create a volcanic or jungle backdrop. This will help to transform your venue into the Jurassic period.

Picking a nation or country as the theme for your party is usually a safe choice and it will fit well whenever you are trying to welcome guests from afar. You can opt for a complete conversion of a venue to mirror the architecture of that country.

Or you can pick a national animal and a few other icons to base your decorations on. You can decorate with elements from the different events as well as plinths, torches, and gold medals. You can choose for a traditional black tie event. Or go for a truer school prom feel by converting a simple venue into a grand ballroom with streamers and balloon decorations.

Going to Vegas is always an event and you can make guests feel like high-rollers with a Vegas event. A Cockney knees-up is a makeshift party full of dancing and singing which would typically be found in a tiled pub in the East End of London. If you are hosting an event in a traditional-looking pub, then a Cockney Knees-Up theme is relatively simple to implement.

You want to emphasise on kitsch British design and live band using traditional instruments is a must. A disco event is perfect for end of year celebrations and you can decorate it with the funkiest adornments you can find.

This will give you an excuse to use wild light displays, lasers, and disco globes of all sizes. Styling a garden party even can be difficult given the natural constraints of being outside. The idea is to lead guests into a secret garden before reaching a party that appears to have magically appeared.

You want to use subtle designs that give your event a twinkling and slight fantasy feeling to it. These ideas work well for teens and adults who always have a device within reach. Enlist augmented reality AR technology to embellish games and activities.

Snapchat custom geofilters , which are sure to be a hit among teens and adults, are one example of how AR is achievable for all event creators. Do you work with influencers who can help spread the word about your events with their powerful social media presence?

Hosting an event that spotlights an influencer has a one-two punch: it thanks them for their partnership and gets the attention of their fans and followers. These events work well in many venues, including outdoor spaces, coffee shops, and conference rooms. You can record the event and share it online to extend its reach.

Gamification is a compelling way to get attendees engaged. Using technology, you can orchestrate a digitally run trivia game, for instance.

Or plan a family treasure hunt with an app that provides clues. The venue will depend on your game choice, so decide whether you need a large open space or a virtual environment to host.

Doing it right: Urban Adventure Quest hosts smartphone-guided scavenger hunts around Hollywood. When you promise a live video of your event, you create a few opportunities:. Rent retro video games from any era for an analog video arcade that will inspire deep nostalgia for a simpler time.

This all-ages event can take place at any venue with ample space for the consoles. Build a sense of community while promoting your brand. These community event theme examples offer fun for all ages. Team up with a local animal shelter for an ad-hoc adoption event. Adorable dogs and cats get the warm and fuzzy vibes going strong.

Children and adults alike will delight at this event, which can take place at the animal shelter, a community centre, a pet supplies store, or a park. And think of all the adorable photos you can post on social media! Plus, you can post the animals online to host a virtual adoption for people who may not be able to attend.

Nostalgic throwback parties offer many opportunities for on-theme cocktails, music, and décor. Host an evening adults-only event at a swanky ballroom or restaurant, or make it a daytime family-themed party at a community centre.

Take your event outside and team up with local businesses for a bigger bash than you might throw on your own. The festive atmosphere and combined talents make for a monumental party that families will surely enjoy. Take the trend of storytelling nights to the next level with a campfire-themed storytelling session.

Participants gather in small groups and elaborate on a theme. Rides, amusements, games of chance, sugary treats, and eclectic prizes — a homespun carnival can be a colourful affair for children and adults alike.

Find a large space such as a car park, park, or local fairground to host the event. Wrangle a celebrity to be the face of your event.

The celebrity you choose will dictate the audience you want to attract. Invite participants to donate a fee to have their photo taken in a tricked-out photo booth. Offer props and costumes, flattering lighting, and a professional photographer to make it worth their while.

They can showcase a skill, teach fellow participants how to make something, or initiate a discussion on an important topic. Give participants a spot on the agenda to tap into their knowledge and inspiration to create a dynamic, hands-on good time.

Gather a gang to tackle a community clean-up project. This is a great way to team-build while accomplishing a noble task — and getting great PR. You can even host a virtual clean-up that allows participants to clean up their nearby communities.

Doing it right: The Ward 8 Woods Conservancy in Washington, DC, hosted a community clean-up to beautify local areas. An activation is an interactive brand experience that promotes a product or service while engaging with customers.

A retailer, for instance, might design a pop-up shop at a festival where event-goers can try on items or work with a stylist. Design a company house using a large tent to house the activities and design an immersive, branded experience for guests to enjoy.

Collect items for a community in need — canned food, toys, household goods. Drives are a lovely way to bring people of all ages together with a sense of camaraderie toward a worthy goal. Sponsor a virtual drive that encourages people from other locations to donate to a worthy cause in their area. Go full bacchanalia with an immersive, joyful dance party.

Within this theme, there are so many niche ideas you can run with. Morning dance jam! All-night swing dancing! Silent disco! When choosing party event themes, consider your target demographic. Doing it right : Daybreaker offers attendees a morning dance party to kick-start their pre-work morning.

Provide instruments — or let participants bring their own — for both impromptu and guided music-making sessions. Upturned buckets and tin cans will do! This all-ages event needs some open space where participants can rock out. Rent out an animal sanctuary such as Safari West in Sonoma County, California, and treat your guests to an exotic experience among the giraffes and rhinos.

You can create a similar family-friendly experience at any local zoo. Install a giant screen, or find a building with a big blank wall, and project a classic or cult movie.

Invite participants to bring picnics, or combine this idea with a food van roundup or another foodie event. The film you select will dictate the crowd you attract, so choose wisely. Doing it right: The Bel Air Downtown Alliance in Maryland hosts holiday-themed drive-in movies during the Christmas season.

Have company t-shirts to sell? Ask members of your company leadership to model them on a makeshift catwalk — a fun and campy way to raise funds and entertain a crowd, all in the comfort of your office. Livestream the show on your social media pages to build interest.

Bring together local businesses, musicians, artists, makers, sellers, mixologists, and chefs for a bountiful good time. Doing it well: EatDrinkSF is an annual food, wine, and spirits festival in San Francisco.

Corporate event themes can include this innovative format for panel discussions where a circle of attendees can discuss a theme. Extroverts and joiners may choose to participate, while introverts stay outside the circle and contribute only if they feel inclined.

This adult-friendly activity can be incorporated into a larger event like a carnival or stand alone as a fun afternoon or evening. Contact your local hot air balloon outfitter and give your attendees the thrill of their lifetime.

The company can advise you on where to take off from and how many people you can accommodate. Pick a popular or cult movie or TV show and model your event on that theme. HBO did a bang-up job of this with the Live Without Limits Weekend at SXSW Music Festival — a Westworld-inspired immersion into an alternate reality.

If you choose an adult movie or show, make this an adults-only event. The opposite of a silent auction see below , the noisy raffle is a raucous good time where participants vie for the honour of purchasing desirable prizes. Attract willing bidders to this event, which you can host in any open community space.

Invite audience members up on stage to tell stories, sing songs, crack jokes, or perform in other creative ways. A coffee shop or small theatre can work as your venue, and you can gear this event toward children, adults, or both. Halloween any time of year: Invite participants to dress to a theme or their wildest imagination.

A costume party can be adults-only or family-friendly. Showcase standout costumes on social media to add a virtual component. Create a playground for adults. Swings, slides, jungle gyms, and balance beams allow grownups to get their stress out. Set up this playground in a park or gym for some old-school fun.

Stick with an adult crowd in case the commentary gets a little PG. They may not sleep, but this all-night affair draws participants in their pyjamas to mix and mingle in a casual milieu. Decide whether you want to host families, adults only, or teens at this event.

Use gamification or simple paper clues to lead groups of participants on a treasure hunt for prizes. Take it beyond your venue and make it an urban adventure — you might have participants search for civic landmarks, for instance.

Post the clues online so participants can participate at a time that works for them. Participants team up to answer trivia questions, with the winning group getting a prize.

Host trivia night at a pub or restaurant so attendees can dine while they play. Many event themes call for food and drink, so why not make it the centre of your next event?

While coffee- and alcohol-inspired events might call for adults only, many food events offer family-friendly fun. Host these events outdoors or at a local pub or restaurant.

Enlist a pro mixologist to teach participants how to make specialty drinks. Invite big-brand or small-batch distillers to sponsor your event. Livestream the cocktail-making demonstration to add a virtual component to the event. Adults can sip on their favourite brews while learning something new.

This type of pop-up foodie fest is always sure to draw a crowd. A car park or park is a convenient spot to host this event. Doing it right: Durham Central Park welcomes food vans, craft breweries, and live music for family fun.

Craft a foodie event for adults focused exclusively on local farmers, chefs, and vendors. Offer up a seasonal theme: Summer Bounty, Fall Harvest, Winter Canning, Spring Gardening.

Ladies Who Lunch? How about Runners Who Lunch? Or Entrepreneurs Who Lunch? Or Hobbyists Who Lunch? The variations are endless. Pick a new restaurant for every lunch to give adults with shared interests a spot to converse and dine.

Enlist a chocolatier or a suite of them to lead participants through the timeless art of making chocolate confections. Or, host this workshop virtually, allowing participants to make sweet delicacies from home. Raise funds, raise awareness. Most importantly, raise fun with a good old-fashioned pancake breakfast the whole family can enjoy.

A community centre, gym, or school hall makes a great spot. Choose a region and use it as a theme for food, drinks, entertainment, education, and more. Have a caterer or local chef create a regional menu and serve guests of all ages. Invite guests to bring dishes and dress up with a nostalgic theme.

Plan a polished affair with tea leaves, delicate finger sandwiches, and pinkie fingers lifted as participants sip daintily from fine china.

While your tea party guests will likely be adults, make it a kid-friendly event with paper plates and childhood favourites. Baked goods or chilli, anyone? Invite guests to contribute their best culinary efforts to a good-natured rivalry.

Let participants of all ages sample the food and vote on a winner. Discover creative ideas that add a touch of class to your next event. These are ideal corporate event themes; some work best with an adult-only crowd.

Croquet, giant chess, badminton — fancy, old-fashioned garden games inspire people to dress up and be on their best behaviour. A park or garden is an ideal setting for this elegant occasion.

Orchestrate a festival, fair, or market featuring goods and foods from all over the world. Invite people from different cultures who live in your community to showcase their favourite traditional dishes, dances, and other cultural markers.

Organise a fete that puts the spotlight on a special someone within your team or community while also honouring the audience with good food and entertainment. They all share one thing in common: an exciting, stimulating vibe adults will love.

Participants come wearing masks and dressed in ornate costumes. This adult-friendly event is a throwback to another era where music, dancing, and flirtation went on late into the night. Host it in a hotel ballroom or community centre that you can transform into an elegant space.

Hand the mic to someone participants are eager to hear from in a relevant or unique field. This dynamic meeting format allows audience members to ask questions and hobnob with heroes. Offer a virtual component that lets participants watch a livestream and submit questions using an online chat feature.

Enlist a local ballet company for a unique performance at a local farm, park, or other outdoor space. Choreograph the ballet to a seasonal theme and bring in food stalls or other vendors to keep the audience fed and happy.

This all-ages event can attract a crowd. Rent a trusty ship and cruise around your local body of water with a rapt captive audience. Create a new spot in a temporary structure or local rented space designed to showcase your product, experience, or brand. Team up with others, and you have a pop-up market that shoppers will love.

Doing it right: Black Bells Boutique in Baltimore hosted a pop-up shop and vendor market for local businesses. Allow your audience to ask questions about your brand, products, services, thought leadership, and more. A roundtable discussion is an opportunity to workshop an idea or break through on a stuck point.

Typically, participants agree on a topic to discuss and deliberate. A moderator makes sure everyone gets their say. Build buzz for your event by refusing to disclose the location until the last minute, when only those who hold tickets will find out where to go. This super-exclusive party is irresistible to those who love to be a part of cool new things.

Make sure the venue is worth keeping a secret. Unlike a rowdy raffle, a silent auction is a dignified, low-pressure affair. Participants cruise the room at their own speed and discreetly place bids on items they like.

Post the goods up for grabs online and secure bids from afar using a virtual bidding website. Attendees don headphones so they can hear the music or seminar or workshop or you name it. The general vibe is super chill, so this can be an innovative way to orchestrate a big event in a small space.

Curate an event that brings in wellness practitioners, products, and other such brands. Adults come to learn how they can better take care of themselves.

The more creative your event, the more enticing it can be. Check out these creative event ideas that are memorable for guests of all ages. Roll out a red carpet and welcome guests to a glamorous affair. Encourage your adult guests to dress their best, and offer food, drink, and music at a venue that you can jazz up with elegant décor.

Offer a day of pampering with a spa-themed event. Design a sheet mask facial bar, play soothing music, and hire some nail techs to give manicures. Serve coffee, mimosas, and light snacks to your adult-only crowd. Host a denim and diamonds party that encourages guests to wear their favourite denim and add a little sparkle.

A restaurant or ballroom is a suitable venue for this event, which can include a plated dinner or appetisers and cocktails. Bring in a local florist to set up a variety of flowers. Invite guests with a green thumb — or those willing to learn — to create beautiful bouquets they can take home.

Costume parties are just more fun. Host a heroes vs. villains event that encourages guests to come dressed up as their favourite movie or comic book character. This theme works well for children and adults. Remember to award prizes for the top costumes!

Another costume-party twist is a book bash that encourages attendees to dress as their favourite book characters. This event works for all ages, so consider your target audience when sending invites. When planning a corporate event, ensure the right mix of fun and professional.

Challenge your colleagues to solve a mystery. A murder mystery party promotes teamwork and encourages everyone to work toward a shared goal.

Support your local team with a parking lot tailgate party leading up to a big game day. Encourage employees to don their team gear and fire up the grill to offer lunch to all. Transform your office park into a casino with favourite games like blackjack and roulette. Serve drinks and snacks during the event.

Celebrate the end of the week with a Friday afternoon happy hour. Offer alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages at the end of the workday so that employees in a certain industry can relax after a busy week.

Bring employees from offices around the building together to spruce up the office grounds. Plant new flowers, pull up weeds, and pick up trash at this environmentally friendly event.

Bring in an artist to offer a guided painting lesson for your team. Supply the canvases, paint, and paintbrushes, and let every employee go home with a handcrafted piece of art. Do you have any employees with some secret skills? Let them showcase their talent at a share-your-skill day. Give willing employees the stage where they can teach a class, show off a talent, and more.

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Artisans in Valencia, Spain craft each folding fan from a variety of materials creating a unique item to treasure for years to come. Fans conveniently ship from our warehouse in Florida USA. During this time, the ladies discovered a way to communicate with their suitors without drawing their chaperones attention.

So not only were the fans a beautiful fashion statement but a form of secretly sharing their emotions without speaking. In the film Star Trek V: The Final Frontier , in order to distract the guards Uhura performs a fan dance.

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Download as PDF Printable version. In other projects. Wikimedia Commons. Type of dance including fans. For other uses, see Fan dance disambiguation. This article has multiple issues. Please help improve it or discuss these issues on the talk page. Learn how and when to remove these template messages.

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which he held in his hand: No, madam, answered he, proceeding to use it, but I can fan a flirt. Several variants of this joke circulated at aound that date.

The fan was primarily an item for female use. Occasional references to fans being used by men do exist, these typically involve a man fanning a lady; a man who used a fan on himself in a ballroom might have been thought effeminate.

Rare images do exist of men carrying or holding fans, far more images survive of perspiring men waving their hats in front of their heads for relief from the heat, or of their wiping a sweaty forehead with a handkerchief.

Figure 4 shows several men using fans in a ballroom, two of which involve a man fanning a lady; the images date between c. Figure 4. Details from a selection of ballroom scenes in which men are seen to be holding or using what appear to be fans.

The Globe newspaper for the 13th of December carried a report of a legal dispute following a fight between two men at a ball. Part of the escalation involved one man a veteran soldier offending the other a junior officer over use of a fan. The story is of some interest as it describes a ballroom scene, the incidental details are illustrative of a typical ballroom.

What follows is an condensed version of the original Harney v. Simpson text. Grady, in a most elegant, lively, and interesting manner, entered into a detail of the facts which were as follow:- After drawing a comparison between the rank of the parties, Mr Harney being the son of an hotel-keeper, and Mr Percy Simpson, a man of family and affluence, the one had distinguished himself in the rebellion as a brave soldier, and, in the Meath Militia, acquitted himself, when sent on a dangerous service, with unexampled intrepidity - the other, the "gallant bearing Percy," is an Ensign in the 6th Garrison Battalion, whose name was not in the annals of glory.

On the 16th of August last, Mr Harney went to a ball, given at Mrs Dunbar's boarding house, in the Black Rock; he was introduced by a friend to a young lady, with whom he danced the first set after supper; while going down the middle, at the request of a gentleman, first supposed to be Mr Simpson, the music stopped.

Mr Harney called out for it to go on again; it did so, and the set was finished. Mr Simpson then said to the music, in a very sarcastic manner, now that the honourable gentleman has danced down, you may stop. Mr Harney replied, that he hoped he was an honourable man, and, Mr.

Redcoat, I have worn His Majesty's cloth several years, and I hope I have never disgraced it, Mr. Mr Simpson, flirting a fan in his hand, answered, I do not know you; we fashionables don't know you. Mr Harney replied, Sir, you are better adapted to flirt a fan, than wield a sword.

After this Mr Simpson retired among the ladies, and took no further notice of what he then said. About an hour after a stranger called Mr Harney aside, and told him, that, from his gentlemanlike conduct, he thought it right to put him on his guard against a plot, which was to flog him.

In a short time the Ensign, with a number of his companions, approached Mr Harney, and thus addressed him, You have offended me, put down your hands, fellow; if you do not make me an apology, I will flog you. In vain did Mr. Harney remonstrate, the gallant Ensign took off his sword, obtained a rattan from some one, which he first applied to the shoulders of Mr Harney; and thinking that chastisement too trifling, had recourse to his fists, and beat him severely.

What followed was a cross examination of witnesses in the court, then the judge offered instruction to the jury. The Jury retired, and, after considering 40 minutes, brought in a verdict of l damages against the Defendant, Percy Simpson, to the satisfaction of a crowded Court, as it appeared a most wanton assault.

In this instance Simpson's use of a fan was characterised as being part of his degenerate character; the implication was that no true soldier would flirt a fan in a ballroom. Some men might use a fan for their own comfort, doing so would make them an easy target for humour; in this instance it was well deserved.

A great variety of fans might be expected in a ball room, each lady having her own favourite. Regular ball goers may come to associate a fan with its owner. An improbable anecdote on this theme was published in the Traditions of Edinburgh by Robert Chambers ; it alleged that about the middle of the last century there existed a convention at one of the Edinburgh assemblies of selecting partners for the season by way of a fan.

The account is as follows: The dancing-room opened directly from the lobby, and above stairs was a tea-room. The former had a railed space in the centre, within which the dancers were arranged, while the spectators sat round on the outside; and no communication was allowed between the different sides of this sacred pale.

There being but one set allowed to dance at a time, it was seldom that any person was twice on the floor in one night. The most of the time was spent in acting the part of lookers-on; which threw great duties in the way of conversation upon the gentlemen. These had to settle with a partner for the year, and were upon no account permitted to change, even for a single night.

The appointment took place at the beginning of the season, usually at some private party or ball, given by a person of distinction, where the fans of the ladies were all put into a gentleman's cocked hat; the gentlemen put in their hands, and took a fan; and to whomsoever the fan belonged, that was to be his partner for the season.

In the general rigours of this system, which sometimes produced ludicrous combinations, there was, however, one palliative - namely, the fans being all distinguishable from each other, and the gentleman being in general as well acquainted with the fan as the face of his mistress, and the hat being open, it was possible to peep in, and exercise, to a certain extent, a principle of selection, whereby he was perhaps successful in procuring an appointment to his mind.

The truth of the story seems improbable; but who knows, perhaps such a convention of fan based partner selection really did exist in Edinburgh in the s.

What is clear is that a fan's owner might be readily identified, hiding one's face behind a fan was unlikely to conceal one's identity. The technology for producing folded paper fans evolved across the 18th and 19th Centuries.

Figure 6. A Fan Painter , Detail from the cover of Illustrirte Zeitung magazine Leipzig from the 17th January Fans had formerly been painted by hand, the rise of printed fan reduced the need for this genteel occupation.

The General Shop Book recorded that The Fan Painter was once a very gainful employment, a mount having been sold for forty or fifty pounds, and more; but now they are printed, the painter has very little encouragement to exercise his skill. Fan mounts were increasingly printed such that skilled painters were in less demand.

Fan making retained importance however: The Fan-maker, who makes sticks usually of ivory or box, mounts them with the paper he purchases of the painter. He takes eight or ten pounds with an apprentice, and the people he employs earn from fifteen to twenty shillings a week.

Thirty or forty pounds will set him up. The Encyclopædia Britannica of further explored the concept of fan production; it reported: The sticks are usually provided by the cabinet-makers or toymen; the fan-painters plait the papers, paint, and mount them.

The common painting is either in colours or gold leaf applied on a silvered ground, both prepared by the gold beaters. Sometimes they paint on a gold ground, but it is rarely; true gold being too dear, and false too paltry.

To apply the silver leaves on the paper, they use a composition, which they pretend is a great secret, but which appears to be no other than gum Arabic, sugar candy, and a little honey melted in common water, and mixed with a little brandy.

This composition is laid on with a sponge; then laying the silver leaves thereon, and pressing them gently down with a linen ball stuffed with cotton, they catch hold, and adhere together.

When, instead of silver, gold ground is laid, the same method is observed. The ground being well dried, a number of the papers are well beaten together on a block, and by this means the silver or gold get a lustre as if they had been burnished. Hand painted fans could be unique works of art finished with gold or silver leaf.

Printed fans were a more affordable phenomenon, they would presumably be used by such ladies as lacked the means to acquire more elegant hand painted fans. A convention had arisen in the 18th century ballroom by which the leading couple in a country dance would be invited to call the dance; the leading couple, typically the leading lady, would get to name a tune and the figures to be danced to that tune, then lead off the dance.

It was an honour to receive this opportunity, one commentator described it as being for a while the Queen of the Party Manchester Mercury , 28th November We've explored this concept further in another paper, you might like to follow the link to read more Figure 7.

A New Fan advertised by L. Sudlow , from The Times newspaper for 17th December If one received the opportunity to call a dance then it would be awkward and embarrassing if the selected tune and figure combination were undanceable.

The master of ceremonies might relegate a couple to the bottom of the set if they consistently failed to call a viable dance. Fan manufacturers found a commercially sensible solution - they could print fans with country dances on them, something a lady could discretely consult when invited to call a dance; the tunes would be sufficiently fashionable that the musicians should know them and the associated figures would be compatible with the tune.

Ladies outside London might get to call dances using what they believed to be fashionable London arrangements, whether such dance tunes were genuinely popular in London is another matter of course! The first of the dance fans was, as far as I can discern, published in late The Times newspaper for the 17th December carried an advertisement on behalf of L.

Sudlow, Fan Manufacturer which offered A New Fan, called the Country Dance Fan, containing Eighteen of the most new and favourite Country Dances, with the Music and Figures properly adapted to each, as performed at Court, Bath, and all public places of Assembly see Figure 7.

It added the postscript To be Published Annually. with their proper Figures, as performed at Court, Bath, and all Public Assemblies. These fans must have been somewhat successful as further country dance fans were indeed published, though whether the Sudlows offered one per year is uncertain - if they did then many remain lost.

Sometime shortly thereafter a pair of dance fans were issued dedicated to Princess Charlotte of Prussia commemorating the wedding of the Duke of York, they were probably issued in late or early , one featured 16 country dances the other The manufacturer S.

Ashton advertised a Country Dance Fan for The Times , 28th February ; Ashton also went on to issue her A Dance Fan for , a fan which included suggested figures for 35 different country dances though with no music. The New Country Dance Fan for included music and figures for 15 country dances; the Roscius Dance Fan for included 12 country dances and a New Country Dance Fan for was also published.

Many further examples may have been published, at time of writing these are the only examples I know of do Contact Us if you are lucky enough to have access to more! The dance fan seems to have fallen from favour thereafter, if further examples were published then I've no evidence for them.

These paper fans were designed to be used in the ballroom where they inevitably wore out, it's no surprise that so few examples are known to survive. There may have been many more designs in circulation that are no longer known.

I lack any anecdotes of their having been used at historical balls and assemblies but they surely must have been used, for why else would so many designs be printed over 15 or more years? They certainly weren't purchased for musicians to play from many are so small that they can barely be read with the naked eye!

Most of the dances from the fans are known from other published sources. There were several music shops in London that issued annual collections of 24 Country Dances for the Year X , more began doing so over the course of the s.

It's from these works that the content of the fans are generally drawn. Many of these collections were issued towards the end of the preceding year; if, for example, a dance was issued for the year it may in fact have been published in late The cover of most such collections would boast that they contained fashionable tunes, whether the tunes would in fact prove to become fashionable was uncertain, most probably didn't.

Those tunes that found their way onto dance fans may have experienced a better chance of success. The following table investigates the content of the fans that I have access to; where possible we'll identify the names and probable sources of the dances.

My archives are incomplete of course, if the origin of a tune can't be identified then it's probably from a volume I've yet to encounter.

The tunes are sometimes known from many different sources, often with different suggested dance figures attached in each publication; where possible we've identified sources with the same dancing figures as appear on the fan, though in some examples the fan seems to include original choreographies not known from elsewhere.

Sudlow in December ] The Bastille [probably also in Prestons's 24 Country Dances for ], La Malbro [also in Budd's 12th Book for ], The White Cockade [also in Campbell's c. Fourteen new Country Dances for , with their proper figures as performed at Court, Bath, and all polite Assemblies , [advertised by E.

Sudlow in December ] Revolution de la France, The British Flag, The Westminster Election, Amazonian Archers, No Taxes, The New Parliament, The Greenwich Pensioner, The Shrubery, Bucks of Europa, The Triple Alliance, The Ultimatum, Baroness Nagel's Fancy, The Target As the title suggests, these dances seem to have genuinely been new.

They may have been composed and arranged specifically for publication on this fan. If so, it's unclear how musicians would be expected to perform the tunes; if someone called for such a tune then it wouldn't already be known. Eighteen of the Most Favourite New Country Dances , c.

The figures have often been changed and in many cases improved compared to the source works, but the tunes themselves were not composed for use with the fan. Ten Country Dances, Four Strathspeys, And Four Reels, For The Year , c.

MEETOZ 1 Pair M % Real Silk Belly Dance Fan, National Dance Dancing Long Bamboo Fan for Party Stage Performance (White Blue Gradient) · Buy Costume Dance Fans and get the best deals at the lowest prices on eBay! Great Savings & Free Delivery / Collection on many items Check out our dancing fans selection for the very best in unique or custom, handmade pieces from our hand fans shops



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Allerdings versteht nicht jeder die Grundlagen von Prämienpunkten, wie sie funktionieren und wie man ihre Vorteile maximiert. In diesem Abschnitt stellen wir das Konzept der Prämienpunkte vor, erläutern ihre Funktionsweise und geben einige Tipps und Tricks, die Ihnen dabei helfen, das Beste aus Ihren Prämienpunkten herauszuholen.

Prämienpunkte sind eine Art Währung, die Verbraucher verdienen können, indem sie bestimmte Kreditkarten verwenden, in bestimmten Geschäften einkaufen oder in bestimmten Hotels übernachten.

Diese Punkte können gegen verschiedene Prämien wie Freiflüge, Hotelübernachtungen, Cashback und Merchandise eingelöst werden.

Einige Prämienpunkte können auch auf andere Treueprogramme übertragen oder für die Buchung von Reisen über ein bestimmtes Portal verwendet werden. Prämienpunkte werden in der Regel durch Einkäufe mit einer bestimmten Kreditkarte oder durch die Teilnahme an einem Treueprogramm gesammelt.

Die Anzahl der pro Einkauf oder Aktivität gesammelten Punkte kann je nach Programm und Karte variieren. Sobald genügend Punkte gesammelt wurden, können diese gegen Prämien eingelöst werden.

Die Einlöseoptionen können je nach Programm variieren, umfassen jedoch in der Regel Reisen, Waren, Geschenkkarten und Cashback. Es gibt mehrere Möglichkeiten , Prämienpunkte zu maximieren, darunter:. Suchen Sie nach einer Karte, die Bonuspunkte für die Kategorien bietet, für die Sie am meisten ausgeben, und die über ein flexibles Einlöseprogramm verfügt.

Diese Boni können eine großartige Möglichkeit sein, Ihr Prämienpunkteguthaben aufzubessern. Stellen Sie einfach sicher, dass Sie Ihr Guthaben jeden Monat vollständig abbezahlen, um Zinsbelastungen zu vermeiden. Turnbeutel Geflügel "Quartett" Turnbeutel Geflügel "Love" Turnbeutel Kaninchen "Quartett" Turnbeutel Kaninchen "V" Kaffeebecher Knabber-Max-Halterung Futtereimer Baseball-Cap Bewertungsmatte Mifuma Truck Min-Max-Thermometer Kleine Tränke Polo-Shirt Rucksack Futtertonne Medaille Fleecedecke Käfigfolie Große Tränke Sweatjacke Also w orauf wartest du noch?

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Betting Strategies

Throughout this article, we will explore the best tips to improve your chances of mastering the art of sports betting in a responsible and entertaining way. In turn, this should help players make more informed decisions, ultimately leading to more successful sports bets.

Establishing a budget for yourself before taking part in betting activities is essential for any winning sports betting strategy. Only bet with the money you can afford to lose and never chase losses by placing larger bets. By familiarizing yourself with the different types of odds decimal, American or fractional and how they represent the probability of an outcome, you will be able to assess the potential value of each bet.

Knowing the odds and what they mean like the back of your hand is an essential skill to have before you master the art of placing bets on sports. Instead of placing bets across multiple different sports, with different landscapes, abilities and rules, focus on one sport that you are truly passionate about.

In turn, this will allow you to gain a deeper knowledge and understanding of the players, teams and trends, giving you an edge in your betting decisions. For example, you could place bets on a sports league you have regularly followed for years, this would add to the entertainment factor whilst also potentially earning you a winning formula.

By using and developing a betting strategy that suits your risk tolerance and style you would be able to master the art of sports betting far more easily. You should always set limits on the number of bets placed per week or even day, or use a staking plan to manage your bankroll whilst implementing these betting strategies.

For example, it may be best to avoid betting on your favorite team or player solely based on personal bias and instead make your betting decisions based on facts and analysis. Scouring multiple platforms to ensure you are getting the best value for your bets will ultimately give you the best chance of creating a winning formula.

Here, we would probably move away from the value bets. Even if we opt for teams that are not big outsiders, but are still outsiders according to the odds, we find highly interesting odds between 1. As with all bets, it is important to analyze in advance and not blindly going for any team.

You should of course take statistics into account, advance information about injuries and suspensions, as well as the current shape of the teams. If you also accept lower odds, you can of course also use this 1X strategy for games that have balanced odds. This betting strategy involves winning numerous bets one after the other and always using the maximum offers the opportunity to earn decent money.

But it is also clear that all the money is gone if you lose a bet. We use odds around 1. As with the strategy of betting over 1. The over 0. the bet that the game will not end Usually, after goalless 30 minutes, you get a rate of 1.

It is important that you always play roughly the same odds. This is certainly a test of patience and not particularly spectacular at first, but there is no exact goal and you can stop at any time and have your winnings paid out. So you now find a bet with odds 1. You win The profits will only become noticeable very slowly, but will increase sharply over time, because of course the stake grows higher and higher.

After 35 correct pick we would already be at 5, Of course, it is far from likely to have so many tips in a row right — but this progressive betting strategy is also something for the thrill.

If you do not start the betting sequence with too high a stake, you cannot lose much and there is of course the possibility of starting a real streak when employing this betting strategy.

The system is similar to another positive progression betting system known as a Paroli. Both involve increased stakes after a win, and both involve a cycle of bets ending at a fixed point. The only real difference is the actual betting sequence. There are not many systems that are easier to understand than and its simplicity is very appealing to many players.

There are also a number of other benefits that contribute to its popularity. Of course, as in any betting system, there are also disadvantages.

We explore the positive and negative aspects of the below, along with the details and how it is used. Like many betting systems, the was designed for bets that pay out an even sum, like the red-black bets in roulette.

In fact, it is widely used on the roulette table and in other casino games such as baccarat, dice games and blackjack. As mentioned earlier, this is a very simple system.

All you have to do is adjust your bets based on a few simple rules. First of all, you have to decide how high your betting unit should be. A bet unit is the amount you wager on the first bet in the sequence. After every lost bet, the sequence ends and you start a new one — and again you insert a betting unit.

If you win a bet, you adjust your stake according to the sequence And already we have the sequence. If you win the fourth, consecutive bet then the sequence is completed and you start all over again.

This is basically what the betting system is all about. Since this system is only a short cycle, there are few possible outcomes.

These are the following:. So, as you can see, only two of the possible outcomes of a cycle involve loss. A loss will only occur if the first or second bet is lost.

So, every time you win the first two bets, you cannot lose again in the same cycle. It may seem like the system makes it more likely to make money than to lose. But unfortunately, this is not true. Perhaps the greatest advantage of is that it is very simple and easy to learn.

In addition, your stake is not increased after a loss — this prevents the rapid loss of money, especially if you choose the size of your betting units sensitively. Another notable advantage is that after stopping the sequence after four consecutive wins and then going back to one unit, you are facing the possibility of a small winning streak.

There is a chance that you will win all four times in a row — and if you are lucky, your winnings will exceed the losses on bets you lost before. The system does not come without its disadvantages; the most striking is that there is nothing to beat the house edge that exists in any casino.

No betting system can do this. But it helps you to maintain discipline with a set of rules to be followed, because ultimately you still have to rely on your luck to win. If you get the wrong sequence of results, you will lose. The Fibonacci betting system is one of many betting strategies available today.

Here we explain what it is all about. Fibonacci sequence betting is undoubtedly a controversial concept. But there are definitely sports bettors who were able to achieve great success with it.

This strategy carries some risks, but with the necessary luck and the right nose, you can be successful while employing this strategy. The basic concept of betting according to the Fibonacci sequence is simple: bet on a tie. If you lose, just bet on the next tie according to a certain key and start increasing your stake.

It is important that the odds for the tie are above 2. The higher the rate, the better. If you lose, you simply bet the next tie after a Fibonacci sequence.

It is a sequence of numbers in which the sum of two consecutive numbers results in the next number, making the Fibonacci sequence an infinite sequence of natural numbers. You can find more information about the Fibonacci sequence on Wikipedia.

It is mathematically understandable that every profit that you will achieve with this bet will offset the previous losses and you will even make a net profit.

If we now assume that the successful bet had odds of 2. The disadvantage of this strategy is also obvious. This is a huge bankroll, which you should of course never risk for such a betting sequence. You can find more about this in our explanations on bankroll management.

When betting according to the Fibonacci sequence, you depend on timely success. Otherwise, you will eventually no longer be able to afford the stakes and you will lose a lot of money.

Of course, this strategy can also work well. For example, you can focus on a specific team that is known to draw often. But purely based on the theory of probability, one day you will surely get into a stage that you can no longer manage financially. There are of course numerous ideas, concepts and formulas that can help you calculate the ideal stake on a bet.

One of them is the Kelly formula. Of course, this is no guarantee that you will always bet correctly and the assessment of how likely the outcome of a game is, does still remain up to you. But the Kelly formula can help you choose the size of your bet.

Now we can continue to calculate and find the best possible stake for this bet. The formula used to choose a reasonable stake looks like this:.

The Kelly Formula hereby recommends that, given the probability that you have determined yourself and the odds you have chosen, you should bet 2. Now, of course, the use of this formula also depends heavily on your assessment of the probability. Of course, caution is advised here because your bankroll can slide down very quickly this way.

It is also possible that you will get a negative result when calculating the first value. This happens if you bet too low with an expected probability of winning on an event with too low odds.

Dutching is the process of betting on more than one selection during the same event, so that no matter which selection wins, a profit can be made. This should not be confused with arbitrage, which involves betting on all possible outcomes of an event, so that a guaranteed profit is generated.

This is only possible by using several bookmakers and only for a few events. Dutching is ideal for multi-outcome events where you think you can break the possible outcomes down to two or three; but in theory, you can bet on any number of selections.

The fewer selections you make in dutching, the fewer losers you support and the more profit you make from them. However, by dutching fewer selections, you increase your risk.

Dutching is best used when you either have information or have a very strong feeling that an outcome is very unlikely. If those unlikely outcomes have huge odds, then dutching is not worthwhile, but if you think the desired outcome is unlikely, then the remaining selections in dutching pay good dividends.

The main characteristic of Dutching is that you win the same amount, but with all the different odds involved, it can sometimes be difficult to figure out the stakes required.

You know that your stake on the 0. To calculate how much you should bet on the other selection:. The total stake would then be In dutching, it is important that the selections you are betting on have combined odds.

To pick the best bets, you still need to consider odds and choose events where your combined selections have the best chance of winning in relation to your odds, rather than simply supporting all of the selections you think might win.

When placing your Dutch bet, you have already worked out your stakes and total returns so that you can place the bet, with the same return for each outcome. To get the decimal odds for your bet, you simply divide your total stake by your returns.

One of the greatest advantages of dutching is that it creates new opportunities for profit. With dutching, you can get paid off for both of these situations. If you think a low-rated favourite is very unlikely to win, then two or more high-rated selections in this event could offer great value.

If the added up returns from the combined bet are greater than the chance that those outcomes will win, you will generate value through dutching. By dutching you reduce your overall odds, but increase your chances of winning your bet.

In theory, this should result in more winning bets and therefore more frequent betting returns. This helps to protect your betting account from dry spells and should also offer you some joy in betting.

The more selections you make in dutching, the more you reduce your overall odds in each betting event. Whenever you decide to add new selections, you have to take into account the fact that your betting rate needs to improve, so that a certain level of profit can be maintained.

The same principles apply; the more choices you make, the more likely your bet will win, but the less money you will win. And on the contrary, the fewer selections you make, the less likely it is to win and the more profitable any winning bet is.

Have you ever regretted placing a particular bet and wished that you could somehow withdraw it? Or maybe you had doubts as to whether the team you supported could really hold the lead? These properties give the speculator more control over the bets already placed and could ultimately make a big difference in the overall bankroll if you wager your cards correctly.

The early payout is often referred to as the cashout by most sports betting sites. The early withdrawal option allows sports bettors to withdraw their bets early, before they have been settled. So, you can either make a profit or get a part of your stake back, depending on your selection at that time.

The feature is available as soon as you have placed your pre-match or in-play bet and the payout amount will fluctuate based on the events taking place in the game. The cashout feature is available for individual bets and accumulator bets, but note that it does not apply to all bet types, such as the outcome 1×2 and some other popular markets.

Speculators can take advantage of the exciting option when placing their bets in soccer, tennis, basketball, cricket, baseball and even horse racing — on both desktop and mobile. If the team or player you are supporting is in a winning position but is being led out by the opponent, then you should definitely make a cashout and secure the appropriate profit instead of watching your potential profit and stake vanish into thin air.

Your forecast proves correct and your choices lose the lead. Alternatively, the option of paying out can also be used to limit losses, which can be a very good strategy in the long term.

This may not seem like a popular strategy, but it can definitely help speculators stay afloat for longer periods of time. This bet has an interesting advantage due to the development of the odds.

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